Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reading and Praying the Scriptures

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reading and Praying the Scriptures
By Megann Graf  

We were all challenged by Jeff last week to read The Ten Commandments and the
 Sermon on the Mount, and he gave us several ways to study them.  Some of us, (ahem, me) were challenged more personally when we asked to make out blog about this. 
(So, that made it more difficult to shrug off. . . *sigh*. . . don’t you love how God has such a sense of humor!!  

So, here I am, writing you a blog about praying the scripture and how it has affected me this week.  I am NOT the expert you should be seeking on this kind of thing.  I have always struggled with this.  Many of you reading this, are far more versed in the Bible and the interpretation of the Bible than I am.  Some of you might feel the same way I do.   

I chose to focus on the Sermon on the Mount first.  I’m not through many verses as of today, but I think that’s ok, because I think that’s the point.  It’s so much easier to just keep reading and not let it sink in. 
“Blessed are the poor (in spirit)”- He started this sermon off by saying, if you think you are spiritually bankrupt, you will be blessed.  I feel that a lot.  I make a lot of bad regrettable decisions in a week.  Then, I feel horrible about them.  Then I think “I am such a bad example of God’s love.”  BUT- then I have to realize how much I need him.  I am not financially poor, but I am SO spiritually poor.  Who am I that the Lord would choose to use me?  WOW!  It is amazing that the Kingdom of heaven could be mine.

“Blessed are those who mourn”- At first this didn’t seem to apply to me in my current season.  I know so many others who are truly mourning the loss of someone so special.  My heart breaks for them at this season, as I can only imagine how hard that must be.  I hope they are truly blessed this Christmas.  But what about those who are mourning the loss of a marriage, the dream of a career, the hopes for a child who either cannot or chooses not to make choices that would benefit them.  We mourn what we thought we might have in life.  We mourn a life that we thought might be, but has turned out very differently.  God says we will be comforted.

“Blessed are those who are humble”- This is a tough one.  It challenges me every day.  I don’t necessarily walk around thinking I’m better, but so many times I get so easily irritated by people.  They cut me off in traffic.  They drive too slow.  They don’t put their shoes away.  They are rude.  And, when I get irritated, I am convicted it is because I think that my way must be better than theirs.  Lord help me.  I hope that I can humble myself this season to see everyone in the same way that God does.  

So, there are a few ways that I prayed the scripture and tried to apply it the best I could to my life.  It’s not scholarly in any way.  It might not help you in any way.  But, maybe it will.  Either way, if you start reading, God will give you just what YOU need.  I pray that He does.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your insightful interpretation of mourning. And thank you for pointing out that God has chosen me despite my being poor in spirit. And "thanks a bunch" for your convicting interpretation of my lack of humility.. but I must admit it's true. God bless.
