Sunday, January 31, 2016

I Am Who My Baptism Tells Me I Am

Sunday, January 31, 2015
Jeff Lampl
I Am who my Baptism tells me I Am

“when sin grew worse, God’s grace increased all the more”. 
Romans 5:20

Does that mean that I can just do whatever I want because because God just keeps on forgiving
Romans 6:1

“Of course not!” 
Romans 6:2

“All who were baptized into Christ were baptized into His death. We were buried with him”.
Romans 6:3,4

“so that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too can live a new life"
“Anyone who has died has been freed from sin.  Now if we died, we believe we also live with him
Romans 6:4,8

THEREFORE . . . . .

“consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.  Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.  Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin.
 Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.  

Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.
Romans 6:11-14

Friday, January 29, 2016

Don't Miss This Sunday

 Friday, January 29, 2016
by Jeff Lampl

Pastor Jeff will teach us the powerful meaning of Baptism and offer to us the opportunity to renew our baptism in a way that can catalyze a whole new way of viewing ourselves, our God and our world.

Plan to attend the CLC Family Luncheon immediately after the second service for fellowship, lunch and to hear about what God has in store for us in 2016.   

Are you confident in your financial decisions? Do you have a solid financial plan for your life? How are your attitudes and behaviors towards money? Do you desire financial peace? Learn how to use God's financial principles to live in financial peace that gives you hope and deepens your faith.

Sign up for this 4-week financial Bible study which will meet in Room 220 at the Christian Life Center located at 125 Saginaw Rd, Lincoln University, PA 19352. 
Crown's MoneyLife Personal Finance Study Guide will be available for purchase for $40 at the classes. Scholarships are available for those in financial hardship.
Classes will be offered at the following times:
  • Sunday Class at 10:30 AM-12:00 PM in Room 220 on 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21
  • Wednesday Class at 6:15 PM-7:45 PM in Room 220 on 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
  • Saturday Class at 10:00 AM-11:30 AM in Room 220 on 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27
           Childcare will be available for the Wednesday and Saturday classes.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rescheduled Renewal

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                                                      Thursday, January 28, 2016                                                           

What does renewal mean to you?
By Megann Graf 

I think it’s kind of humorous that this renewal that we planned for, then got cancelled due to the snow last weekend, and is rescheduled for this Sunday.  Humorous, in that, God must have such a sense of humor to teach us lessons in EVERYTHING.  How many times do we reschedule God in our lives?  I do it all the time.  I have good intentions of reading the bible and praying in the morning, then the kids get up crankier than planned, need more attention, something in the kitchen is burning up, the dog got mud all over him, it never ends.  And so I reschedule my time to renew and refresh my spirit.  I wish I could tell you that I get the kids off to school and sit immediately down to do such said renewal of my spirit, but that doesn’t always go as plan either.  I’m rushing to get to work, I want to throw in a load of laundry, I need to take something out to thaw for dinner, I need to get notes to my team out or reply to a text.  And, there it goes again. 

Remember last week when I talked about renewal meaning rest to me.  I wish I could say that I took the snow as a quiet reminder to take in God’s beauty and sovereignty and magnificence.  I did, a little bit, but I didn’t stay there, not long enough.  I started to postpone God again.  But, at least now I’m seeing all of this.  I’m recognizing that renewal isn’t just one Sunday anyways.  It’s every day. 
So, how many times do you reschedule God?  How many times is he postponed in your life?  This week, we have a chance to make Him a priority.  We have an opportunity to walk up publicly, renew our baptism, renew our rest in God, and refresh ourselves in His Spirit.  I promise you, that this Sunday will not tide you over until next year.  I’m not even sure it will tide me over until Tuesday! I have to reschedule other things in my life to make time for God every day.  That’s when I’ll find this rest I know I so desperately need.  That’s when I realize that even though I postpone God far too often, He is ALWAYS there when I come to Him.  He is reaching for me far before I am reaching to Him.  I am not too far away from Him to receive His renewal and His grace and His love.  Neither are you!  So, take this rescheduled date as a sign from God, that even if you’re a week later than expected, not to worry, He’s been waiting.   He always is. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why I Tithe - Part 1 of 4

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Why I Tithe: Part 1 of 4

Pastor Jeff Lampl

My Bank Account Doesn't Look Anything Like This Picture,
But I Tithe Anyway.
Here's why. 

Ten percent of everything you harvest is holy and belongs to me, says the Lord,
 whether it grows in your fields or on your fruit trees.
Leviticus 27:30
When I first made the decision to become a follower of Jesus, I found out early on that if I really mean what I say when I say that I am a Christian, then I need to walk the talk.   I was told that I needed to watch my language, change my thoughts and behaviors toward women, be honest all the time, etc:   In short I needed to start living a better life.
But I wasn't prepared for the money thing.   I was also told that a Christian, if he or she really believes, will give 10% of his income to God.   I checked out the Bible, looked for loopholes, couldn't find any, and decided that this was something I had to do if I was serious about becoming a Christ follower.    Was I capable of living at a lower standard of living than I had been used to?    The answer was an uncomfortable yes and in my mind I was left no alternative.    I reasoned that if everything I have is from God then to give him 10% back is not a very big request.  
The first check I ever wrote to the church was figured to the exact penny.   I multiplied 10% X my income and wrote the check to the exact amount, not one penny more.   And OF COURSEI had to decide on the net vs. gross question.   I chose to tithe (tithe actually means 10% in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament) on my gross. 
Why?  Because I felt sleazy about choosing "net."   It felt like cheating because in my mind It didn't square with fundamental point the Bible was making about tithing, which was that it's not my money to be stingy with and if it's God's then I should just trust and honor him all the way, no shortcuts.
It wasn't easy!   I cringed.   My parents did everything but disown me at first.   I was going through a divorce that cost me big time, was paying off student loans, and lost my house.
But I did it, and it's one of the most tangibly rewarding acts of faith I have ever done.   When Kathy and I later married we decided to tithe together, and neither I from the beginning of my time as a Christ follower, nor Kathy and I as a married couple, have missed a tithe to our church since the day we were married.
Tune in next week for "Why I Tithe" Part 2 to find out why it's been one of the most important decisions I (and Kathy) have ever made.  Nor has there ever been a single regret.
"Lord, please guide my attitudes on this subject.  Help me to pay attention to my thoughts.  Are they thoughts and attitudes that honor you or they thoughts attitudes, regardless of how well argued, which serve to get me off the hook for giving of my income as you direct?  
Lord, I'm yours, may my actions honor you.  Amen"

For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Membership Covenant - 2016

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                                                      Tuesday, January 26, 2016                                                  

Pastor Jeff Lampl

New Date for Renewal Sunday
January 31, 2016

Here's a final look at the commitments of being "in" as CLC Family member and why they matter.
  1. Sunday Worship:   Showing up matters.  For Kathy and me it matters that everyone of our 15 member extended family shows up at family gatherings.   And it matters to each of them.  Being in the presence of one another is HUGE.  Its say's "I'm in with you".   Not showing up means that family is simply on the back burner to other priorities and not only does the family suffer from that but so does the one who is missing.
  2. A Small Group:   Sunday mornings include too many people for anyone to connect deeply with on any meaningful level.   This commitment means that you will seek out your place of connection with believers in a way that is real and which grows your relationship with Christ and with others.   It is in deeper connection with other believers that Christ grows us up.
  3. Serve:   It may be that your small group is a service group, a group, for example where you team up in coaching a sports team, or where you team with others in serving and loving our teens on Thursday night.   It is serving and giving where your faith comes alive.  When one only receives, one almost inevitably finds that faith and vibrancy decreases and one fades from Family of God.  When one serves, especially in the area of ones giftedness, that's when faith comes alive and stays alive.
  4. Bible Reading and Prayer:   Find your own way to do these, but the commitment to these is crucial to your growth.   To be directed by the Holy Spirit always means to be directed to the words of God and Jesus which are found in Scripture. As to prayer, I love John Wesley's quote, "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer"
  5. Giving:   Money is the touchiest of subjects for many.   Yet I can't think of any Christian practice that tests our faith like this one.   Wrestling with how much to give to God each month brings out my worst attitudes and causes me to make decisions that seem impossible.  There is only one place in the bible that tells us to test God.   I can tell you that those who take God up on this test, including Kathy and me, find that scripture is exactly right.
You can renew your commitment to membership in the CLC Family here   NOTE:  Please add your comments about what you seek, appreciate, hope and dream for as a CLC family member in the comments box. 
"Lord, guide me in this.   I know that living as Christian means a giant leap in changed priorities.   It means being transformed from being a taker and receiver into a giver of my time and of my resources.   Lord transform not just my heart but also my behaviors, actions and habits.  By the motivation of Your Spirit.   Amen"


For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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Monday, January 25, 2016

New Date for Renewal Sunday

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                                                      Monday, January 25, 2016                                                  

Pastor Jeff Lampl

New Date for Renewal Sunday
January 31, 2016
January has been a month for each of us to renew our commitment to the practices of the key Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Faith. 
A Spiritual Discipline is something that you do which positions you so that God can do in and through you what you cannot do on your own.   
That's HUGE, "through the disciplines God can and will do in and through us what we cannot do on our own."  
Here are a "big four".
Renew your membership:  Commit to being a part of the CLC family.   Doing so is counter-cultural.  Doing so says "I'm in" with God, with Jesus Christ, with God's people.   I will commit to growing up in my faith with this particular family of God in this particular place at this particular time in my life.
Renew your calling to serve others : Take or retake the  spiritual gifts inventory and attend the final Connect Class this Wednesday, January 27 in the second floor Auditorium.   The transition from receiver to giver is the most fundamental behavioral transition in the Christian Life.
Renew your Baptism:   This Sunday each of us will have the opportunity to remember God's faithfulness to each of us and to renew our reliance on and commitment to Jesus Christ as leader of our lives and forgiver of our sins.  Prepare for this by reading Romans 6:1-14Galatians 3:26-29Colossians 2:11-15Ephesians 1:13,14 .
 Renew your recognition that you and everything you have belongs to God which means you and I must renew our commitment to the discipline of stewardship of our money.   We must manage our income and distribution of it  as God's Word teaches us.   Attend the Financial Stewardship miniseries beginning Sunday and which are being offered Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays so that you will be able to attend all four sessions based on your schedule.
Are you confident in your financial decisions? Do you have a solid financial plan for your life? How are your attitudes and behaviors towards money? Do you desire financial peace? Learn how to use God's financial principles to live in financial peace that gives you hope and deepens your faith. Sign up for this 4-week financial Bible study:  Click  here to sign up . 
Classes will be offered at the following times:
  •  Sunday Class at 10:30 AM-12:00 PM in Room 220 on 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21
  • Wednesday Class at 6:15 PM-7:45 PM in Room 220 on 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
  • Saturday Class at 10:00 AM-11:30 AM in Room 220 on 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 
Childcare will be available for the Wednesday and Saturday classes. The MoneyLife Personal Finance Study Guide will be available for purchase for $42 at the classes. Scholarships are available for those in financial hardship.
The topics covered in this Financial Bible Study include: 
  1. 1.      Ditching Debt
  2. 2.      Save It
  3. 3.      Generous Living
  4. 4.      Be Rich
"Lord, thank you for the opportunity to renew my relationship with you, as the One I can trust, rely on, hope in and receive guidance from in the most pratical areas of my life.   Lord, turn me into a Christ follower who has the faith and courage to make countercultural decisions about my time and commitments, both with people and with my resources, believing that your way works better than my way.  Thank you, Lord.   Amen"

For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Celebration of Our Month of Renewal

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                                                      Saturday, January 23, 2016                                                  
Pastor Jeff Lampl

Tomorrow (or Next Sunday, the 31st) depending on the snow!
Celebration of our Month of Renewal
For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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Friday, January 22, 2016

Church - A Fellowship of Differents

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                                                      Friday, January 22, 2016                                                  
Pastor Jeff Lampl

"Everything I learned about the Christian life I learned from my church... a local church determines what the Christian life looks like for the people in that church... we all learn the Christian life from how our local church shapes us."
Scott McKnight,   A Fellowship of Differents

Tim Suttle, in commenting on McKnight's book writes that churches have always been a fellowship of difference and differents. Christian discipleship is not about what I'm doing as an individual, so much as it is about what I am doing in the mix of this community called the church-a community that is necessarily diverse.
Why? Because, the love of God is diverse; the very life of God is diverse. Naturally the people and communities created with the specific purpose of imaging this God will be diverse. God has not created a homogenous creation, so why would God desire a homogenous church? "The church God wants is one brimming with difference, and that will mean the Christian life is all about loving whoever happens to be with you in this fellowship of differents."
McKnight makes the point that the English word for faithfulness is actually the word faith in Greek. One must determine from the context whether the word means faith or faithfulness. Sometimes we can't even tell which one it is. What we know for sure is that Paul's vision for the church was that they would walk faithfully over the course of a lifetime-that they would finish the race.
 "What the church most needs is not heroes of the faith, but faithful followers of Jesus. What your local church needs in order to live out the designs of God for a church, that grand social experiment of bringing all sorts of people to the table and into the circle of one another's lives, is not great Christians, but faithful Christians." (164)
 "Faithfulness is not our own strength muscled up by determination and discipline and grit; nor is it our strength combined with God's strength. Faithfulness happens when God's strength is unleashed in us as we look to, lean on, and love God." (165)
Simply put, the church is  God's design for Life Together.
It is not about a monolithic fellowship of the doctrinally pure and piously holy. It is not a place that self-made men and women to gather with their chosen affinity groups and pat each other on the back. The church is a challenge to the ways in which the brokenness of the world seeks to divide us. The church is God's vision for human communities.    (above comments excerpted from Tim Suttle's comments on Scot McKnight's book)

For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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Thursday, January 21, 2016


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                                                      Thursday, January 21, 2016                                                           
What does renewal mean to you?
By Megann Graf 

I ask you this question today because it's something I'm asking myself.  What will a renewal mean to me?  What will change in me if I commit to a renewal?  I suspect, because we are human, we will always be striving towards something more.  That's not a bad thing.  This can motivate us to better attitudes and healthier eating habits and lots of good things.  But, sometimes it can make us feel defeated because we're looking for a perfection that we can't ever seem to fully reach.  It's a broken world, after all, so it's hard to find perfection among brokenness.

And yet, there's something better to be found than perfection.  I think it might be peace, and I don't know about you, but I could use more of that.  See, if I'm striving for perfection, then 1) I'm always going to fail, because, well, despite my best efforts (and yours too) we're not perfect.  (Dreams dashed, so sorry!) and 2) because of these constant shortcomings I'm never going to experience peace.
Now, here's the thing with peace.  I can't just strive for peace.  I don't think I'll find it if that's where my eyes are fixed.  I believe that peace can only come through my belief in God.

I've been reading in Hebrews, and in chapter 3 verse 19 it says, "So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest."   But it goes on to say in Chapter 4, "God's promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it.  For this good news- that God has prepared this rest- has been announced to us just as it was to them.  But it did them no good because they didn't share the faith of those who listened to God.  For only we who believe can enter his rest..." Another version replaces "tremble with fear" with the words "we must take care that none of you miss out."

When I look at the world around me and when I look at things that are negatively affecting my family and my friends, I see unrest.  I see it in my life when I take my eyes off of God.  And I don't want to miss out on this rest.  I don't want you to miss out on this rest.  And, I really don't want others to miss out on this rest because I have failed to show them that even in the storm there can still be peace.

So, for me, renewal means rest.  Renewal means peace.  Renewal means that I have faith to trust in God's words, even when I cannot see what is ahead.  But, that's my renewal.  God may have something completely different in mind for you.  That's what is great about serving a LIVING GOD.  He knows all of our needs at all times.

I pray that God gives me faith to trust what He says is true.  And I pray that I find peace when I believe that truth.
For more:           follow on Twitter @jefflampl   

         This is a regular communication from Christian Life Center.
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Christian Life Center
125 Saginaw Road, New London Twp., PA  19352
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