Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How Can I Share the Gospel This Christmas?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Jeff Lampl
How Can I Share the Gospel This Christmas?

 “In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect”    1 Peter 3:15

Peter tells us that first thing we must do is “in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord”.   All the rest starts with this.   All the rest without this will be seen by others for what it is, hollow God talk.  

Many of us have set apart Christ as Lord, but we grow stale.   Let this Christmas awaken you.   Notice manger scenes, look at baby Jesus and think,

“Amazing, it’s beyond comprehension, that baby is Lord of the Universe.   God the Creator of over 100 billion galaxies each with more than 100 billion stars, has descended through time and space, through His own creation, to a point in history, as an embryo, a small collection of cells, in due time to be born, only decades later to descend even further into the ultimate ruin of creation, as a corpse.   Yet he then rose from the dead bringing all of creation up with him renewed, restored, repaired, resurrected.   It’s done, it’s happened, it’s real, and the He will do the same for all of creation”

If asked, imply explain that Christianity is this one thing:   God saw the broken world we’re in and then entered this world to rescue it and us.   That’s it.   That’s Christmas.  God came to earth for that reason.  

The details?  God became human in the person of Jesus, allowed himself to suffer and die at the hands of sinful humans, taking the sin of the world, the sin of each of us personally, onto himself.   How did he handle this?   While still on the cross he judged the world:   Judged it and us forgiven of all sin.   His final words before death?   “God forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”

But He didn’t stay dead.  God raised from the dead, he was seen alive by hundreds of people, he ascended into Heaven and from there has been and still is reigning over the earth.   It is He, not evil, not pain, not death, who has the last word over all things.
The Good News for those who give their lives to him is that what God did for Jesus in raising Him from the dead he will do for those who trust Him.   In fact God is in the process of doing exactly that at every moment for those who are willing, in trust, to accept his work in their lives.

This is the gift of Christmas.  I hope that you will approach Christmas with ears attentive the words and hearts of those around you, so that you will be able to discern the yearning, the perhaps unexpressed asking for a real connection to a real God, of another.   And then share with that person the greatest news in the universe.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl 

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