Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009

“don't let anyone know about it”

When Jesus says not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, he is teaching that our motives for giving to God and to others must be pure. It is easy to give with mixed motives, to do something for someone if it will benefit us in return. But believers should avoid all scheming and give for the pleasure of giving and as a response to God's love. Why do you give?

It's easier to do what's right when we gain recognition and praise. To be sure our motives are not selfish, we should do our good deeds quietly or in secret, with no thought of reward. Jesus says we should check our motives in three areas: generosity (Mat 6:4), prayer (Mat 6:6), and fasting (Mat 6:18). Those acts should not be self-centered, but God-centered, done not to make us look good but to make God look good. The reward God promises is not material, and it is never given to those who seek it. Doing something only for ourselves is not a loving sacrifice. With your next good deed, ask, "Would I still do this if no one would ever know I did it?"


  1. I have to admit that my motives in giving are never entirely pure, I know I'll be filled with joy in anticipation of the event and for hours, days maybe weeks afterward. The area I am concerned about personally is receiving the praise of men for giving. God said He would share His glory with no man, sadly I do like to be praised. Sometimes it is a battle to to keep my left hand from knowing what the right is doing.

  2. Lord I pray for less of me and more of You in my life so that both my right and left hands are tools in Your hand.
    Lord open my eyes to see the needs you want me to help fill, and let it be You and only You that is praised.
