Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

“we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

An ambassador is a representative of his home country living in another country. One of his really big jobs is to know and love the citizens of the country where he lives, yet represent his own country in the best possible way.

We live in a world that is currently not God’s home country. We are actually citizens of God’s Kingdom and we are functioning as his ambassadors. As such we must love the country, region, locale, to which God has assigned us and we must, at the very same time, do all we can to make our “home country” and Him who presides over that country look awfully good to others.

“Lord, help me to have ‘people eyes’, to love people, to notice them. Lord, help me to have an outward countenance that makes the inner reality of my love for you. Lord, do whatever you need to do within me to make me a witness in whom others sense an irresistible draw to You.” Amen


  1. I so struggle with vacillating between thinking I am living a life that glorifies God thru me, and thinking that I am like a Pharisee, doing what appears good but not having the proper heart.

    God, increase my faith.

  2. Frankly, I do not see how anything a mere mortal can do will "make God look good". He doesn't need our help.

  3. Lord I have prayed for enough, and every day of my life You have provided. Now I ask that You use me in whatever way You chose to help fulfil that prayer in others lives.
