Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

“God gave us the courage to declare his Good News to you boldly”

Why are so many of us so reluctant to talk about Jesus and God with others? There are some very good reasons to be concerned of course, not the least of which is the growing public perception that anyone who talks about Jesus or even Christianity must be a judgmental, right wing nut case.

However notice the rest of today’s verse:

“in spite of great opposition”

There has always been opposition to God and there always will be. Yet if Christians are not out there setting the record straight, who will?

We must speak about our faith, do so freely, but never with acrimony or judgmentalism, or put downs of others of differing views, or with arrogance or, in my opinion, threats of hell (though hell is real, fear evangelism only lasts as long as the fear lasts). Evangelism is about the love of God.

Paul said it well, “speak the Truth in love”.

When was the last time you asked God to lead you to speak of Him to someone who is far from God?


  1. "We must speak about our faith, do so freely, but never with acrimony or judgmentalism, or put downs of others of differing views, or with arrogance or, in my opinion, threats of hell (though hell is real, fear evangelism only lasts as long as the fear lasts). Evangelism is about the love of God."

    I think this is the part that many people (and groups) miss when they try to win others to Christ. My belief in God and my relationship with Him is a personal one, and I do share that with others, but in a more quiet way that's true to who I am. I was judged, years ago, by a group who viewed me as "not a true Christian," because I did not share my faith with others in the prescribed way that they did, and because I did not follow the prescribed steps of worship that they did. It was very hurtful to me, and though it did not weaken my belief in Him, I wonder if their methods pushed others they spoke to away from God instead of pulling them closer?

  2. I think that we sometimes forget why we are to share our faith. It is not to win numbers or arguement. It is not to build character in us or accomplish a task. God told us to be 'witnesses'-to me that means God has made real in me the fact of salvation in such a way that I have actually 'witnessed' it. I know it to be true by His presence, His word alive in my life, the ability to feel and give Love born from goodness and purity. I can look to the Word and see facts as well as areas of faith. To me, gratitude for knowing I, who stand with a multitude of sins in the balance now stand free, not condemned! I have the ultimate blessing of knowing that I will be with God forever when I am done here. What Joy! What relief!
    This is what we share, and its for everyone! How will they know us, by our LOVE for one another. How do we know God, by His LOVE for us.
    How do we tell others, by our LOVE for them. Sometimes that takes time, for others it takes boldness, yet others it is done through quiet example and prayer. We each have our own way of witnessing-if, indeed we are witnessing Christ in our hearts. Thank you, Lord for your never ending love and mercy. We praise you, Father.
