Thursday, October 15, 2015

Identity in Christ

     Thursday, October 15, 2015

“Why your identity in Christ matters to the church.”
By Megann Graf

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10   "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for
their labor; if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone
who falls and has no one to help them up.

I saw quote above and thought, “that is so sad.”  Someone questioned others so much,
that she ended up with no one.  Worry and doubt, and probably cynicism, was rooted
so deeply, that she could not see the truth.   She is a child of God and she is deeply loved,
but think of what her misguided identity cost her.   And probably not only her
but those around her.  

We are called to be the Church.  Not a specific church or denomination, but God’s church,
a church that reaches out to a broken world.  As Randy Frazee writes in his book, “When the church functions as God intends, nothing else on earth work quite like it.  Christ’s bride is not an organization, but rather an organism.  It’s not so much about the hype of programs, but the health of people. The church is not a building, but a body.  When submitted to God and serving together in true community, the church is a family that will surround people with strength and grace, while continually pointing toward the abundant life in Christ.”   

Ah!  Catch that last part, please!  “Continually pointing to the ABUNDANT life IN CHRIST."  Why?  Because we are NEVER going to be the best for anyone all the time, or maybe any of the time. We are human.  And, if you happen to be on the other side of the story, and waiting for someone to fulfill you and prove that God is good, and prove that the church is worthy, I am so sorry to say, that you will likely be let down.   You’re looking in the wrong place.  The church is certainly not off the hook in our responsibility, but we ARE NOT perfect.  Please don’t mistake looking at Christians for perfect peace and not Christ.  Don’t push people away because you feel like you cannot trust them.  First, put your trust in the One who loves you unconditionally.  Who will always forgive you when you ask, who will not hold a grudge, who will not judge you based on your looks or your job or your status.  He covered all the sins of the world, yours and others, when he gave His life for you.  Find your identity in Christ, and then go BE THE CHURCH to a hurting world.  Comfort them, surround them with strength and grace, and most of all, point them to Christ!    


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