Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Strengthen Your Marriage

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Strengthen Your Marriage
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Jeff Lampl

The Art of Marriage Video Event
February 6-7, 2015
Friday 7-9:30pm; Saturday 9-4pm


When you were standing at the altar reciting your marriage vows, did you have any idea that marriage would be so complex?  It probably didn’t take you long to understand that your spouse is not as much like you as you thought.  Marriage is more than a science; it’s an art.  If you need to soften some of the edges in your relationship, or want to brighten the landscape of your marriage, The Art of Marriage is for you.  This 6-session marriage event allows you to experience God’s design for marriage from expert teachers and humorous vignettes. 


Register online by clicking here.  


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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