Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cops shock drivers with gifts instead of tickets

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Cops shock drivers with gifts instead of tickets
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Jeff Lampl

“See to it that no one misses the Grace of God”   Hebrews 12:15

These drivers expected tickets when they got pulled over by cops. Find out why they received gifts instead! VPC

USA Today Network Elissa Koehl, USATODAY 3:12 p.m. EST December 10, 2014

A police officer hands out a gift in Lowell, Mich.(Photo: WZZM)


There is almost nothing worse than looking in your rear-view mirror and seeing flashing lights. No one likes to be pulled over, especially around the holidays when there are so many errands to run and gifts to wrap.

But residents of Lowell, Mich., were shocked when they received something other than a ticket after being pulled over by police. Instead of a ticket and a fine, these drivers were given gifts.

This idea came about thanks to UPtv, a family programming network that chose the Lowell Police Department to help them film a promotional video as part of its "Uplift Someone" Christmas initiative.

To pull this off, the police officers pulled over drivers for various reasons: an item dangling from their rear-view mirror, illegally tinted windows, even snow covering a license plate. Most drivers couldn't believe it when they were presented with gifts.

Watch the video above to see two ladies scream and hug the gift-giving officers.

Lowell Police Chief Steve Bukala says they pulled over 50 drivers for the original video (that you can watch here) and handed out about 30 presents. The gifts provided by UPtv totaled almost $7,000.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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