Friday, June 14, 2013

Blog » Worthy

Friday, June 14, 2013 Jeff Lampl 

NOTE: Be sure to read Philippians One before going to see “Man of Steel”

“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . . . . For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake”     Philippians 1:27-39 (ESV) 

Tonight’s the night!  I’m going to see Man of Steel!   Actually no.  My plans changed.  I have to wait until Wednesday.  Bummer.   But my daughter and I are going to the Franklin Instituted to watch it in 3D!    I’m even going to wear the Superman T-shirt my daughter bought me!   Not sure that’s a “manner of life worthy of the Gospel” but I’m wearing mine and she's wearing hers.  Humiliation isn't my favorite thing but that's what dads do for daughters! From the Promo;

“A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth.
           As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was
           sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from
           annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind” 

I wrote down the following quotes from the two trailers I’ve watched (  Note how they are allusions to, pointers toward, hints at, signposts for something much bigger and more real, in fact ultimate.    In the Superman myth we can catch glimpses of God and Christ.    Superman is one of dozens of myths from ancient Greece and Scandinavia to today’s superhero stories.  What is cool to finally realize is that Christianity in some way shape or form is myth having become fact in Jesus Christ.   Here are the quotes . . . .

“He’ll be an outcast”
“They’ll kill him”
“They won’t be able to” (the resurrection)
“He’ll be a god to them”
“What if a child dreams of becoming something other than what society has intended”
“What if a child aspires to something greater”
“You’re the answer son, you’re the answer to who we are alone in the universe”
“I have to believe you were sent here for a reason and even if it takes you the rest of your life”
“For some he is a guardian angel. For others a ghost who never quite fit in”
“You will give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards”
“They will stumble they will fall but in time they will join you in the sun”
“In time you will help them accomplish wonders” (John 14:12)
“Just have to decide what kind of man you want to be Clark”
“Whoever that man is, is going to change the world”“My father was convinced if the world really knew me they would reject me. What do you think?
[Lois Lane = Mary Magdala? Okay . . a little stretching here] 

“Lord it is my prayer, that the Superman story evokes a deep hunger in everyone who views the movie. May it move multitudes to the “aha!” that says, “whoah, could it be? Could it actually be? . . . that one day there actually was a man from the heavens who came to earth . . . . .but this man took all his powers and put them on a cross and in that way saved the world. To amazing to believe? To amazing for human beings to make up? To amazing not to be true! Thank you Lord. Amen”

NOTE:   Just now Googled reviews of Man of Steel.   Incredible how many spoke of the comparisons to Jesus and even Moses, even in the secular reviews.   Check out a few of them before you see the movie!

1 comment:

  1. RONN FLETCHER14 June, 2013

    EXCELLENT ! KUDOS ! Way to go, Pastor Jeff.

    Relevant, fun & timely analogy....share more like this.

    UP, UP AND AWAY !!
