Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Birth of the King
John 1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men." John 1:1-4(NIV)

If this is true. . . .
The implications of these verses are staggering.
They include the following: I am accountable to Jesus for how I live. The life I have is given to me with expectations. Jesus is right now the competent “CEO” of the universe. Jesus is right now setting all things right. Life exists beyond this life. The next life depends on my relationship to Jesus in this life. Life and death are in Jesus’ hands, not mine. I could go on. 

Think of scientists, businessmen, psychologists, physiologists, economists, parenting, living in community with others, or anything at all that you may be engaged in. Do you pursue life without consulting the One who created and understands every detail of that endeavor or do you go it alone and throw up a prayer every once in a while? 

Jesus is the most brilliant, powerful, beautiful, intelligent, rational, compassionate Being that ever existed. And, of course, that has to rate as the grossest understatement of all time.
Why is it then that we can be so unwise (another gross understatement) that we would choose to do anything, ever, without first consulting Him? What could be more unintelligent? (consulting Jesus is called prayer)

“Lord, forgive me for my same old pride and busy-ness and simple unreflective and unintelligent approach to life that not only leaves you out, but in really doesn’t work like you intend life to work. So, Lord Jesus, I ask you, the creator and sustainer of the universe and all that is in it, including me, to come to me and change my heart and my will and my behaviors so that I rely, actually rely, on you for what I do today and each day.     Amen”


  1. If we believe that we truly have the third person of the trinity residing in us, that Jesus has, indeed, given us the gift of his Spirit, (John 17 for starters), then responding to this wonderful, amazing, comforting fact will be life changing in how we "do life".

    Abiding in the Spirit means to be mindful of His Presence. One of the best used tools of Satan's trade is to lead us to think we have a 'private' life. We don't. When we sin, Christ is there along with us. Do we think He goes for a walk and comes back when all is well? 1 Cor 6:15
    No, Satan wants us to think that what we do in 'private' is, well, done in private. Jesus sees, but when He sees, he is not waiting to condemn, He is waiting for us to turn to Him.

    If we train ourselves to constantly, consistently reposition our thinking at any given moment onto Christ, what peace there is! This is our way of escape. This is our abiding in Him! We will eventually come to rely on this peace and feel His Presence throughout the day.

    He is not a third person in another room waiting to hear from us. He is inside of us! Praise you, Father, thank you Jesus.

    1. Lynda - this is really powerful the way you shared this. Every believer needs to hear it this way. Thank you for sharing this with me as it has given me immediate strength. Blessings...
