Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.”

There are many ways to respond to the beep on your watch. Saying the above passage is one of them, but it’s a very good one. To “know” in the biblical languages is the same word used when a man and woman consummate their marriage. It’s deep and personal and free and unrestrained and empowering. And . . . . . it includes times of suffering.

Paul was very honest about what it means to follow Christ. We follow and know him in both the good times and the bad. There will be times when God appears to be absent, yet we must remember, trust, that he’s there and that whatever we face, we face not alone, and also that he will redeem even the worst.

Below is a journal entry from Frank Laubach who at 45 years old, reflected in his journal that the first part of his life was “average”. “ I no longer have the sense that life is all before me” “Part of it is behind and a miserable poor part it is” But then something changed.

In the last forty years of his life his influence spread worldwide. He was named man of the year in America. He developed the “Each one Teach one” literacy intiative teaching 60 million people to read in their own language. He wrote over fifty books and became an international presence in literacy, religious and governmental circles, having an influence on poverty, injustice, and literacy world wide. His influence spread not only throughout the underdeveloped part of the world but also to presidents.

What changed in 1930 at 45 years of age? Why did his life begin to “overflow” after 45?
In his own words he began to experiment with a reorienting, revolutionary kind of prayer.

Here’s a paragraph from his journal, now published under the title, Practicing His Presence:

“Two years ago a profound dissatisfaction led me to begin trying to line up my actions with the will of God about every fifteen minutes or every half hour. People said it was impossible. I judge from what I heard that few people are really trying even that. But this year I have started out living all my waking moments in the conscious listening to the inner voice asking without ceasing “what Father you desire this minute”. It is clear that this is exactly what Jesus was doing all day every day.”

More tomorrow . . . . .


  1. I am trying the challenge. I have called it The BEEP Challenge to myself. I fail some hours, but when I do pick up "The Beeps" I am excited to respond. The more I pick up, the more we talk, the fresher the relationship. I find acceptance there. I like how there is nothing wrong about answering the beep... He accepts me as is.
    These Beeps really seem like a tug from Him into His presence if I will answer.

  2. Today I was at a seminar. Someone in the class had a watch that beeped every hour. It made me conscious of my commitment and I said a prayer when I heard the beep. I prayed for Larry Bowman, Barb Markland and myself. This was day one. I hope my journey is a fruitful one.
