Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

Welcome back to my Scripture Reflections! I’ve been away from my computer but not away from the Lord, quite the opposite.

“Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me.”

What Jesus said in todays passage is, I think, so profound. He speaks of “overflow”.

I just love waterfalls. I love getting under them and getting wet. I want to be refreshed, cleansed, renewed and invigorated. I can’t wait to tour the falls in Ricketts Glen and Yosemite. I love my annual climb to the Glen Onoko falls in Jim Thorpe.

Jesus says that people who get filled with the Spirit of Christ “brim over” and others are touched by the overflow. This is the foundation of all “evangelism”. It’s one thirsty soul finding drink that quenches and satisfies and then telling others where to go to have their thirst quenched.

Jesus says it starts simply with believing. Just believe. If you are full of doubts, don’t try to fight them, instead simply find that tiny “mustard seed” of belief and be amazed. Be amazed that God has given it to you, planted it in you, even that tiny amount, even if it’s only the remote possibility that God is actually with you and for you and loves you. Even if it’s only the faint hope that God exists. Thank God for the thought, for whatever measure of belief you do have and feed it. Ask God what is needed to nurture it and then do whatever thought God puts into your mind. If He’s put the seed there, he’ll also show you how to nurture it.


  1. I like the way you make this so simple. We make everything so complicated, not because it is but because we think WE have to do something. It doesn't have to be about us, it always has been and always will be about Him. We go to the "Christian" book store and see piles of books telling us how to get our prayers answered. Jesus made believing Him easy enough for a child to understand. Thanks for reminding us.

  2. How encouraging!! No to have to fight the doubts which seem so big sometimes. But instead let God grow the tiny "seeds of faith" inside of me. Good thoughts to remember.
