Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009 - Overflow - 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Although the early believers were obviously a lot different than we are culturally and in terms of the challenges they faced, nevertheless they struggled with sin and failure just like we do. Yet Paul sees in them what I am certain he would see in believers today who simply do their best to follow Christ even while they struggle mightily.

“Your wok produced by faith” I’m not exactly sure what Paul is referring to here, but his words cause me ask myself, “of all the work I do in my life, what aspect of that work is being done differently because of my faith in Christ from what I would be doing and how I would be doing it were I not a believer?”

“Your labor prompted by love” This is a constant theme of Paul. We must love people. How much of what I do is genuinely prompted by non-self serving, other centered, concern for the highest and best for others? Am I truly living “beyond myself”? Or is too much of my life still “all about me”?

“Your endurance inspired by hope” The primary theme of First and Second Thessalonians is Christ’s coming back to “set the world to rights”. Paul says that it is in this hope that we are saved . . . . .the hope that every failure, sin, broken part in the world will be healed and that we have a part in that eternal reparation project, not only as active fosterers of it, but also as recipients. Humpty Dumpty will be put back together and only Jesus Christ can do it.


  1. These words are good make me think about what I do each day and ask God to help me focus on others not my self, to live beyond myself.

  2. Love is not a feeling, often it is an act of sheer determination and will. Sometimes we do it, with our teeth gritted, because we know it is the right thing to do and we choose to honor our Father with our obedience. How many times do we reach out to the angry and/or profane and are surprised when the feelings come? "Obedience is better than sacrifice.." He rewards us with joy.

  3. The depth of Paul's writings are convincing evidence that his are Hoy Spirit inspired.

  4. Sorr, The depth of Paul's writings is convincing evidence that his are Hoy Spirit inspired.

  5. These three quotes "your work produced by faith", "your labor prompted by love", "your endurance inspired by hope" come alive to me when I put aside my busy schedule, forget about my aging body and disregard all the "buts" that come up- and pour myself into service ministry. There is nothing that makes me feel more alive, that connects me closer to God, that lets me "feel" that agape love than when I put aside "me" and serve others.
