Monday, August 12, 2013

Five Reasons to Go to Church

Blog »  Five Reasons to Go to Church  

Monday, August 12, 2013     Jeff Lampl

Reason #1

"the church is his body"   Ephesians 1:23

"you are members of God's very own family, citizens of God's country, and you belong
in God's household with every other Christian."
Ephesians 2:19 (TLB)


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1 comment:

  1. This thought isn't fully formed, so I may be completely off base... Paul's comments are clearly biblical (by definition) while Pastor Jeff's may only be Jeffical, but I wonder whether Paul would have said this had anyone known about cells in his time.

    Once you grasp Paul's analogy to the body, I think it might be wise to take the analogy all the way to the cellular level as Pastor Jeff does. Paul talks about us each being a part of the church body and then describes us as head, hands, feet and other parts. While he admonishes us not to think that one part is more honorable than another - I'm the head and you're just a foot - it is, of course, human nature to do so and perhaps to aspire to be one of the "more important" parts.

    But if you recognize the truth of Pastor Jeff's anology, all I am is one cell in the body - a cell in the hand, a cell in the head or a cell in the foot. The body doesn't do well without a hand - that is, the huge mass of cells making up that hand - but the hand can function just fine without one of its cells. In fact, it loses and grows cells all the time.

    Yes, it is good that I am a cell in the body - let's say in the hand. But, it is a lot more important TO ME to be a cell in the hand than it is TO THE HAND for me to be a cell in the hand.

    Bob R.
