Monday, February 2, 2015

What Outfit Do You Look Best In?

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What Outfit Do You Look Best In?

Monday, February 2, 2015

In Worship two weeks ago our worship leader, Megann Graf, again shared one of her wonderful introductions to a song.   We had just sung "What though the vile accuser roars of sins that I had done. . . . "

She then shared the following.   I encourage you to take the time to take her insightful thoughts on growing in Christ.

“Oh, how the vile accuser, the enemy, would want us to hold on to our sins, to our offenses!  He would like nothing more than to have us bound to those things than to the truth that we can find in Christ.  We are not here to bring glory to the enemy (which we do, when we hold on to these things) we are here to bring Glory to God!

I heard an analogy that said that God has the perfect outfit picked out for us.  (I liked this because I like clothes very much!)  But, her point was that sometimes we choose to wear things that are very unflattering. Unforgiveness, shame, anger, bitterness, control, etc.  In
Colossians 3:12 it says,

        "Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with
         tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."

And, verse 14

        "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."

If we are not living in the freedom that we have in Christ, then we are not wearing our best outfit. 

We might feel good in it at the moment, but God is looking at us knowing how much better we could look, and feel, if we only try out His outfit for us.  The Spirit of the Lord is with us, as believers, and it's not just with us in a sanctuary.  It's with us at home, at work, in the car, everywhere.  "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, chains are broken, eyes are opened, Christ is with us!!"  Those are the words we sang, but those are the words we need to live out each day.  We are no longer slaves to sin, we are free in Christ.  (Here's a YouTube link if you'd like to listen). . . .

I need to remind myself of that freedom daily, probably hourly.    Like my 9 year old daughter, I often want to put on the outfit of MY choosing.  I want to justify it by saying, "but it's comfortable",  "it feels good", "I  don't care if it has holes in it."  And often times I look at her, and assuming it is weather appropriate I say, "OK, if that's what you think is best for you."  But, I know full well it is not.  I know that what she is wearing is not her best.  But, I give her the chance to wear what she wants, and give her time to grow up and mature and find better outfits.  But, I do hope that she will grow and mature, and someday choose to wear those better outfits.  I don't want her in paint stained shirts and ripped yoga pants forever.  And our heavenly Father is so much the same, isn't He?  He won't forbid us from putting on our choice, but how He desires us to grow up, to mature in Him and in our faith.  And, when we do, He will look at us, like a pleased mom or dad, and say, "You look great!  That's exactly what I would have picked out for you!"   May our freedom be found in Christ alone.  May the Spirit of the Lord be with us and remind us of that this week.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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