Friday, January 30, 2015

How Do You Best Connect with God?

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How Do You Best Connect with God?

Friday, January 30, 2015
Jeff Lampl

Sunday begins week 5 of our Message Series, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.   I hope that you are practicing daily times of silence, solitude and reflection on scripture, your life, your emotions and bringing the whole of yourself to the whole of God. 

Contemplative spirituality + growing emotional health = Spiritual Breakthrough.   There’s a lot of truth in that simple formula.  But it requires the discipline to do it, and the decision to restart every time you falter.

This is essential for each of us regardless of your personality.  Without this practice (which was a central practice of Jesus)  all the outside forces of society and all your unresolved inner emotional dynamics will conspire to be the forces which shape you and thwart the hope of growing in Christlikeness at every turn.

Yet each of us different.   Some of us are simply “people people” and therefore you connect best with God when you are with others.  Others are intellectually oriented and you connect to God through learning.  Others are contemplative and love silence and solitude.  Still others love God best through worshiping, others through serving or being a catalyst in making things happen, and others connect best through nature.

You are unique and you have a “best connection” spiritual pathway.   However, to have a relationship with God (just as with a person) you must have that one on one time which is the silence and solitude.   So do both.    Here’s a free online assessment that you can take to discover a spiritual pathway that matches your DNA and the practice of which will complement your quiet times with God.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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