Thursday, February 4, 2016


by Megann Graf

I am constantly reminded of how I so easily fall into the habit of confusing myself with God.  Now, before you think, “what an arrogant thing to say,” let me clarify.  Look at the picture above.  When I initially look at this picture, my mind goes to someone, some human being, reaching for God.  It looks to me like they have reached a place where they know they need God, and so they are turning to Him to hold on to.  That’s not a bad thing, right?   We do all need to acknowledge that we need Jesus, right?  But, what if I have that wrong?  What if that hand is God’s?  What if He is the one that is waiting, but not just when things are bad or hard.   He’s always waiting.   See, while I know this is true, I struggle living that all the time.  I forget that God is there, all the time, waiting for me.  I often feel like that hand reaching out is mine.  I forget that in those moments when I’m not reaching, that He is.  He always has been.  He always will be. 

This week we will sing a song during Communion, and it is another reminder of how, while a relationship with God is a two way street, my part of the “doing” is really not “doing” anything.  It’s an acceptance of love.  It’s an acceptance of the realization, that even if I do nothing, He’s still there for me.  I won’t have nearly the benefits in life that I would if I were in better communion with Him, but He is not turning His back on me regardless of what I do.  This is humbling to me, because it “puts me in my place.”  It reminds me that no matter how much or how little I do, it does not get me more of God’s love.  I have an everlasting Father who loves me and is reaching to me, regardless of whether I am reaching for Him.  He runs to me whether I am on the path going towards Him, or on the path going away from Him. 

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s comforting and crazy all at the same time.  I must constantly remind myself that the hand that is ALWAYS reaching out is not my hand, it is His.  My life is in His hands and He wants me to know and understand and feel His unending love for me. 
If you want to listen to the song- hopefully this link will work but if not, check out “Everlasting Father” by Elevation Worship on YouTube. 


  1. Great post Meghan, I too sometimes seem God is not there. I can relate to the hand, because that was definitely mine this week. Seeking and seeking, but I dont see him, feel him and I'm reach for him like where are you. Thank you for sharing!!Linda Amonitti

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  3. THANK YOU Megann. What a wonderful reminder. "In the middle of our little mess, we forget how big we're blessed".
    It's so comforting to know that He is ALWAYS extending His hand- reaching out to us!!

  4. THANK YOU Megann. What a wonderful reminder. "In the middle of our little mess, we forget how big we're blessed".
    It's so comforting to know that He is ALWAYS extending His hand- reaching out to us!!
