Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ditching Debt

Jeff Lampl
Childcare provided
Bring a dessert to share

Ditching Debt

"the borrower is the slave of the lender"
Proverbs 22:7 ESV

Decades ago I had become a huge fan of Larry Burkett.   I read his books, listened to his teachings, and even got to hear him speak in person in Kennett Square!   It is he who pioneered the wonderful nationwide emphasis on biblical stewardship.   He was brilliant and his legacy continues in Crown Financial Ministries whose money management seminars CLC is now offering to the church family and to the whole community. 

Burkett writes this about being stuck in debt, “Financial bondage is a state of being captivated or overwhelmed by money matters . . . it’s a natural consequence of misusing the resources God has entrusted to us.”

Notice that last line “it’s a natural consequence of misusing the resources God has entrusted to us.”

Wow.  So it really all comes down to that does it?

Yes, in my experience it does.   For me, the simplest things are almost always the biggest things.  Don’t rationalize putting my wants over putting God first.  Don’t pretend that big spending on my family is actually for God when it’s really my desires driving the spending.  Don’t ever carry a balance on any credit card.  Have no debt except for a mortgage.   Never buy a new car.   Used cars these days are great.    Quit wasting my money on my food addictions.  Save.  Save.  Save.   No matter how little, save.   And finally the simples, most profound money advice that exists?  Spend less than you earn  -  and do that for the rest of your life!   -   and do it God’s way which the course series which begins this week (tomorrow evening, Saturday am and Sunday mornings) will teach you.

Lord, I want to be a “slave” to you, not to debt.   Help me, Lord,
to have the discipline required to be your steward of all
you have provided me.  I want to be a giver,
not a taker.

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