Monday, September 8, 2014

New City Catechism

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Monday, September 8, 2014
Jeff Lampl

      Learn how to live    “in line with the truth of the Gospel’   Galatians 2:14  

I once heard a really good preacher say, “stop trying and start training”.   That made a lot of sense to me then and still does today.   Way too much of my life has been spent trying to do something without having been trained in how to do it.   

So, I’ve got a great deal for you!   Free training in the Gospel of Grace!!!!   

The New City Catechism is a 52 week online (it’s even available as a free smartphone app) training in the fundamentals of the Gospel.   It includes a question, an answer, a scripture, a brief commentary on the scripture, and a two to five minute video teaching on the question and scripture of the day.   It also has an option for children where the question and answer are shortened and instead of the video for teens and adults, there’s a song for children which reinforces the scripture.    

The whole thing only takes a few minutes a week, yet at the end of the 52 weeks you will have been well trained in the incredible message of God’s Amazing Grace.    

Here’s the link


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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