Friday, September 26, 2014

If you Do Not want an Actual, Profound, Life Transforming Relationship with God in Two Simple Steps do Not Read This Blog!

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If You Do Not want an Actual, Profound, Life Transforming
Relationship with God in Two Simple Steps Do Not Read This Blog!

Friday, September 26, 2014
Jeff Lampl

“Only one thing is needed”  Luke 10:42


Watch this 20 minute TED talk and as you watch it relate it to your relationship with God.


Be ruthless.   Choose as little as five minutes per day to find solitude and silence.   Here’s a plan that works.   Get alone.   Say to God, “I’m listening”.   Be silent with no reading, no music, nothing but silence for two minutes.   Then spend 5 minutes reading and reflecting on a passage of scripture.  A good place to start is the book of Philippians.  Finally spend two minutes once more in silence.   TOTAL = 9 Minutes.

Doing this means that you have a relationship with God and it also means that you can safely believe that 1 Corinthians 2:9 applies to you. 


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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