Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Is Grace cheap?

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Is Grace cheap?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Jeff Lampl

In the Book/movie Les Miserables, the criminal Jean Valjean is released from prison after serving 19 years.   He proceeds immediately to mug a priest and steal valuables from his home.   Valjean is then accosted by Grace.  He’s arrested by the police, brought back to the priest, who then thanks the police for bringing Valjean back so that the priest could give Valjean even more valuables!!!!!

Valjean gets off scot free!   He’s free to become honest and good.  He’s also free to steal, plunder, rape and kill.   He’s free and forgiven and (we assume) welcome back into the priest’s home at any time, no strings attached. 

So is grace cheap?  Isn’t this just liberal Christianity where anyone gets “in” because God just forgives everyone?  Where’s accountability, judgment, law, repentance, the sinner’s prayer, faith, belief?  Valjean did none of that and he was set free anyway, yes even free to steal again!

It is here that we learn the nature of Grace.  Grace is not just getting off the hook for wrongdoing, though it is that.  Grace is not just endless mulligans and do overs, though it is that.   Grace is much more.  Grace is a power that works like a good infection, which, as it permeates the soul, brings us face to face with our sin and face to face with God, the pain of which becomes debilitating until the overwhelming forgiveness of the unforgiveable overwhelms and then a whole new world of freedom opens up, a whole new life, a new birth. 

Is Grace cheap?   Hardly.  The priest was physically violated and suffered the loss of great wealth.   He had sustained the wrath of 19 years of pent up anger.   Yet the priest chose the way of the cross.  

Was Grace cheap for Valjean.  Hardly.  Repentance, which didn’t precede but followed Grace, was searingly painful.   Seeing one’s own sin is excruciating.   Seeing it absorbed and crucified in and by another’s forgiveness and grace is worse.   Boldly accepting unmerited freedom takes a courage that is painful to sustain.    

No, Grace is not cheap, it’s costly to all involved, yet it is the most freeing and life transforming power on planet earth   (parenthetically I might add that even Javert paid the price of costly Grace.  As grace relentlessly accosted him, he ached and as his ache met his refusal to let it win, it cost him his life)

When have you experienced the costly unmerited painful yet freeing Grace that is far from cheap?


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl 

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