Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How Can I Tell Others the Gospel Message this Christmas?

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How Can I Tell Others the Gospel Message

This Christmas?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Jeff Lampl

in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer
to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect”
1 Peter 3:15

Peter tells us that first thing we must do is to “set apart Christ as Lord”.  All the rest starts with this.   All the rest without this will be seen by others for what it is, hollow.  

Many of us have set apart Christ as Lord, but we grow stale.  Let this Christmas awaken you.  Notice manger scenes, look at baby Jesus and think,

“Amazing, it’s beyond comprehension, that baby is Lord of the Universe.   God the creator of over 100 billion galaxies each with more than 100 billion stars, has descended through time and space, his own creation, to a point in history, as an embryo, a small collection of cells, in due time to be born, only decades later to descend even further to the ultimate ruin of creation, a corpse.   Yet he then rose from the dead bringing all of creation with him renewed, restored, repaired, resurrected.   It’s done, it’s happened, it’s real, albeit not yet”

If asked, simply say Christianity is this one thing.   God sees the broken world we’re in and came to rescue it and us.  That’s it.  That’s Christmas.  God came to earth for that reason.  

The story is that God became a person and when he came to earth to he began to take things that were wrong and make them right.

Then he experienced the pain and sin of the world himself on the cross and took it all onto himself.

Then he was raised from the dead.  Hundreds saw him alive, ate with him spoke with him.   And the message of that is that whatever your life is like if you trust him, what god did for Jesus in raising him from the dead he will do for you too, not only at death but before it.

For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl 

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