Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

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Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Jeff Lampl

The Message Series I’ll be delivering to begin the 2015 New Year is about one thing; a real God connecting to real me, a real you.  I think that most of us, maybe all of us, know a certain thing about ourselves.   This thing we know about ourselves often comes in the form of a feeling or question that goes something like this, “if being a believer means that God actually transforms what’s inside of me from something not so good into something new and good, then why am I not seeing the inner transformation that I should be seeing?   What’s wrong with me?   Why am I not different?  Maybe everyone else is becoming Christ-like but I’m just not seeing it in me.”

The entire goal of the series is this one thing:  to experience a real God changing a real me in a real inside out way, in a way that my life under the surface begins more and more to match whatever good that others see above the surface.

Here’s a story from a devotional that goes with the series I’ll be preaching.   It is the recorded words of a Hasidic Rabbi on his deathbed,

“When I was young, I set out to change the world.  When I grew a little older, I perceived that this was too ambitious, so I set out to change my state.  This too, I realized as I grew older, was too ambitious, so I set out to change my town.  When I realized I could not even do this, I tried to change my family.  Now as an old man, I know that I should have started by changing myself.   If I had started with myself, maybe than I would have succeeded in changing my family, the town, or even the state - and who know, maybe even the world!"

I hope you prioritize your Sunday mornings in January and February for this series.   I also hope you will consider attending some group that will be doing the study that goes with the series.   Attend the series, do the 40 day devotional and do it with a group or someone else.   These three ingredients will do something to you and for you from the inside out.   You will have allowed God into your soul so that He can do within you the good work that you want Him to do.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl

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