Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Go Beneath the Surface and Transform Your Life

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Jeff Lampl

“I want to know Christ”
Philippians 3:10

If you want the experience of a real you meeting a real God in a real way, then this message series is for you.

If you simply attend worship for each of the nine messages of this series simply allowing yourself to be met by God in the worship services and to be met by God in alone silent times during the week, then you can be certain that you will have encountered God in ways that can lead to deep change over time.

If you’ve tried your best to do life God’s way and still find something missing, if you’ve tried working your head off to please God yet feel that you keep falling short, then the first two months of 2015 are the perfect time for you to discover for yourself that Christianity actually works the other way round.  It’s not about what we do, it’s about what God does.

I look forward to our time together.   See you Sunday!


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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