Monday, December 15, 2014

Christians and Torture

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Christians and Torture

Monday, December 15, 2014
Jeff Lampl

Just read the following post/blog from Pastor Brian Zahnd.   The beginning of his post is strong, attention grabbing and challenging to say the least.  

This is a topic that has been in the news for a long time and on my mind for a long time as well.   Christians need to be able to speak their mind on this issue, but must be able to do so with a Jesus informed perspective.   What’s yours?   I offer Pastor Zahnd’s post to you for prayer and reflection.

"You cannot be Christian and support torture.  I want to be utterly explicit at this point.
There is no possibility of compromise. The support of torture is off the table for a Christian. I suppose you can be some version of a "patriot" and support the use of torture, but you cannot be any version of Christian and support torture.  So choose one:  A torture-endorsing patriot or a Jesus-following Christian.  But don't lie to yourself that you can be both.  You cannot.

(Clearly you do not have to be Christian to reject the barbarism of torture, you simply need to be a humane person.  But to be a Christian absolutely requires you to reject the use of torture.)
I remember when Pew Research released their findings in 2009 revealing that six out of ten white evangelicals supported the use of torture on suspected terrorists.  (Patton Dodd talks about them here
.)  The survey stunned me.  I spoke about it from the pulpit in 2009 and have continued to do  so.  I said it then and I'm saying it again today: You cannot support the use of torture and claim to be a follower of Jesus.

Any thoughtful person, no matter their religion or non-religion, knows that you cannot support torturing people and still claim to be a follower of the one who commanded his disciples to love their enemies.  The only way around this is to invent a false Jesus who supports the use of torture.  (The Biblical term for this invented false Jesus is "antichrist.")  Those who argue for the  use of torture do so because they are convinced it is pragmatic for national security.  But  Christians are not called to be pragmatists or even safe.  Christians are called by Jesus to imitate a God who is kind and merciful to the wicked.

"Love your enemies!  Do good to them  . . . . and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.  Be compassionate, just as your Father is Compassionate."  - Jesus   (Luke 6:35, 36)

I don't know of a greater indictment against American evangelicalism than that fact that a majority of its adherents actually admit they support the use of illegal torture on suspected terrorists!"

What do you think?   Remember to use the Bible, read through the lens of Jesus as your starting


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl 

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