Friday, November 21, 2014

Why Does Giving Matter So Much?

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Why Does Giving Matter So Much?

Friday, November 21, 2014
Jeff Lampl

 “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees,
belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” 

Leviticus 27:

Over the years I’ve learned dozens of reasons why giving a portion of my income to the Lord is important.  Those reasons range from how it benefits others to the benefits that giving provides me to how it is only what we give away that ever lasts both in this world and also into the world to come.  

However there is a bigger reason than any of those and it is so big that I feel wholly inadequate to explain it.   God tells us that our giving to the Lord is Holy.   Don’t fall into the trap that says that if you give ten percent of your income (tithe means tenth) to the Lord, you will earn God’s blessing.  You already have the Lord’s blessing and nothing you can do for him can cause him to bless you more.  The reason to move toward becoming a tither and beyond is simply God’s love for you issuing in your love of God and the desire to become more and more Christ-like.   It’s a love thing.  It’s a trust thing.  As I mentioned before, Kathy and started out by giving a tenth of our income to the Lord and it has been a neat and gratifying thing to have grown from there.  Yet what is Holy unto the Lord, is not the written check, rather it is the part of us that God has taken hold of through our giving.  

As you choose the percentage of your income that you will give to the Lord in 2015, keep this incredible verse in the forefront of your mind.     If there is a degree to which your giving reflects God’s having taken hold of you (to whatever degree), then your offering on Sunday will be a Holy Offering.   That’s an incredible thought that you and I, yes even us, can make do anything at all that He would deem holy.  Yet so it is.   Sunday’s offering will be a holy offering.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl 

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