A Kingdom Man Takes Responsibility
By Tony Evans
Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 2014
Jeff Lampl

A Kingdom Man Takes Responsibility
By Tony Evans
Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 2014
Jeff Lampl
buck stops here. —A sign on the desk of President Harry S. Truman
you’ve ever played or watched sports, you know what I mean by the “loser’s
limp.” It’s what happens when an outfielder misjudges a fly ball and misses
the catch, or when a wide receiver drops an easy pass. The player falls to the
ground and gets up limping. He’s not really hurt. The purpose of the limp is
to camouflage his failure. He wants his teammates and fans to think he missed
the ball because of a cramp or pulled muscle or other injury— anything besides
his own mistake. It’s the athlete’s excuse.
tried his own loser’s limp way back in the garden. Despite what you learned
from a Bible storybook, Eve was not alone during her conversation with the
serpent. Genesis
describes “her husband with her.” The whole time the serpent was talking,
Adam was there. Silent. And by his silence, Adam relinquished his God-given
right to leadership. The silence of Adam is still a problem among men. But
Adam—and you and I—are still accountable. While Eve bore responsibility for
her part, Adam was held responsible because of his leadership position.
you are responsible for that which falls within your realm of influence: your
family, ministry, career, resources, community, or other areas of personal
influence. Stop living as a responder. Lose the loser’s limp. Own up whether
you make the grab or bobble the ball. And embrace your role as a kingdom leader.
Where are you hiding in silence?
When have you sat back as a responder rather than moved forward with leadership.
How can you take responsibility for your realm today?
"God, forgive me when I am passive and silent. Fill me with courage to embrace the role of leadership You have given me. Amen."
"God, forgive me when I am passive and silent. Fill me with courage to embrace the role of leadership You have given me. Amen."
you wish to receive my tweets my twitter address is @jefflampl.
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