Friday, September 23, 2016

Blessed to Be a Blessing - Fall Theme 2016

Fall Theme 2016

Genesis 12:3

September 23, 2016
Jeff Lampl

9/25              Beyond Ourselves            
Meet people whose lives have been changed by Christ.

10/2 – 11/6    Marriage                                   
A 5 week series for married couples and single people including interviews of couples of all ages.   Topics include;
‘The Secret’ . . . ‘Godly Tantrums’. . . ‘The Purpose’ . .’Who is this person’? . .‘The Power’ . . .  ‘Sex’. .

10/16            Is Christianity Credible?
One Week only, Sunday 10/16.  Bible Scholar David Marshall will preach at both services on the believability of Christianity.   His goal is to  both strengthen the faith of believers and to present Christianity to skeptics in a way that will help them consider Christianity on its merits.

Dr. Marshall will also teach at ‘Life Café’ on Wed. evening 10/19 and on Saturday morning 10/22 at 9:00 and 10:30.  Topics:  Jesus and Other religions,  Is Jesus a Myth?, and Can the Bible be Believed?  There is no charge for his teachings and childcare will be provided.

I am hoping that you will attend each of these teachings not only so that you grow in your confidence and  ability  to explain your faith to skeptics, but also so that you will take this opportunity to invite skeptical friends who might be open to discovering that there are solid answers to their questions and doubts.

Dr. Marshall’s calling is to provide a solid, rational and historically grounded response to the groundswell of those who are questioning the credibility of Christianity

Dr. Marshall’s newest books are How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test: The Inside Story, Jesus is no Myth.   Just click on the link to purchase.

Read more about Dr. Marshall:

Dr. Marshall is a Christian scholar and founder of the new East West Center for Christian Thought in Seattle. He worked for 15 years in East Asia as a missionary and educator. He labored to awaken the Asian church to the needs of young women caught in the sex industry, researched Chinese culture, and studied theology at China Evangelical Seminar. He then taught at Siebold University and Nagasaki University in Nagasaki, Japan, his wife's hometown.

Dr. Marshall is author of seven published books, on China and Christianity, world religions, the Gospels, and the New Atheism, as well of articles for Christianity Today, Books and Culture, Touchstone, and other magazines, and editor of Faith Seeking Understanding: Essays in Memory of Paul Brand and Ralph Winter (William Carey Library).  

Marshall has a doctorate from Oxford Centre for Missions Studies, and MA and BA degrees in China-related topics from the University of Washington in Seattle.  He has debated skeptics including Dr.  Richard Carrier, John Loftus, Dr. Robert Price, and Dr. Phil Zuckerman, and has spoken at leading churches in America, and also in Canada, Great Britain, and many countries of East Asia.  He blogs at  

 He writes that, “The truth of the gospels lies at the heart of the Christian faith.  But in recent years, their historicity has been challenged in works that have been granted tremendous media attention” 

Jesus is No Myth answers these challenges by analyzing "forensic" evidence for the trustworthiness of the gospels, helping Christians and unbelievers recognize the dynamic, revolutionary character of the stories of Jesus, why they are deeply credible as historical sources, and how they have changed the world. 

For the past 35 years, Dr. Marshall has been studying three vital questions: "What has the Gospel done for humanity?"  "Can the gospels be trusted?" His previous book,  How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test: The Inside Story, which focused on Christ and other religions, was compared by some reviewers to Mere Christianity and Orthodoxy.   

Book Reviews

Jesus is No Myth (just out)

Dr. Craig Blomberg (Denver Seminary): 

“David Marshall presents a rare combination of forms of expertise . . .
Support for the credibility of Christianity can be found here that
is available nowhere else.   A must read. ”

Dr. Timothy McGrew, Chair of the Department of Philosophy
at Western Michigan University: 

"Full of fresh insights, penetrating analysis, and dry wit – t
he section on the Baal Shem Tov alone is worth the price of the book –
and some of the best material from the rich storehouse of the history
of apologetics."      


How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test: The Inside Story, 2015

"David Marshall unlocks a wealth of wisdom . . . This book is a treasure chest.  Read it and you will be enriched." Miriam Adeney, Seattle Pacific Missiologist:

"At one point, I was thinking to myself: "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed reading a book this much."  (And I read a lot.)  Then I remembered that it was when I read Chesterton's Orthodoxy.  Quite honestly, I think this book even surpasses that for me." Brad Cooper:

"For some time now, Christianity’s cultured despisers have claimed that the Christian faith fails the so-called outsider test for faith. In this delightful riposte, David Marshall demonstrates the opposite is the case: Christianity, of all faiths, is most adept to pass this test. Nor is this a dry academic volume: Marshall presents his case with rhetorical wit and the cosmopolitan vision of a true world citizen. A must have for any apologist."
 Randal Rauser, Canadian philosopher:

"Marshall’s undertaking is breath-taking in its scope, as he brings together an amazing array of factual evidence from history, literature, religions and an unbelievable diversity of other sources in a brilliantly woven case that effectively invalidates the skeptical claim that people of faith live in a `closed door’ universe that could never survive the rigorous intellectual scrutiny of the `Outsider Test’. Marshall is uniquely gifted as a writer – his careful scholarship, depth of insight and logical analysis is matched only by his illustrative genius as he skilfully blends inspired prose and vivid imagination in a much-needed, readable counter to the contemporary assault of the new atheists. This is a book you will not want to put down once you begin to read it, and a `must-read’ for any thoughtful follower of Christ. It has immense value both as a apologetic and pastoral tool - to help demolish obstacles to faith among genuine skeptics, and to encourage the weak and equip the strong within the community of faith." Ivan Satyavrata, theologian, Chairman, Kolkata Mission of Mercy:

"An engrossing historical tapestry laden with insight . . .  Read on and be enriched!" Don Richardson, author, Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts:
"In the earliest days of the church there was a skeptic named Celsus whose works have been lost, and whose name would be forgotten had not Origen written his important rebuttal, Contra Celsus . . . Much as Celsus has become a footnote to Origen, I suspect (skeptic John) Loftus is destined to become a footnote to Marshall . . .  an outstanding read by a terrific storyteller, broad in scope, great in depth." Tom Gilson, Thinking Christian blog:

Faith Seeking Understanding, 2012

Philip Jenkins, Penn State historian:

"David Marshall has gathered a really distinguished array of contributors, who have all thought deeply about faith in its global context, and the different essays work wonderfully well together. The book makes a splendid memorial to two truly great individuals, Paul Brand and Ralph Winter."

Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale philosopher:

"What makes the collection especially fascinating and valuable is the individuality and particularity of the stories -- a concrete testimony to the fact that the Christian intellectual life takes many forms."

The Truth Behind the New Atheism, 2007

Ralph Winter, founder, US Center for World Missions: "Spectacularly argued, spectacularly written, and even more spectacularly timely."

Rodney Stark (author of The Rise of Christianity and For the Glory of God) "A wonderful revelation that unreflective, blind faith is most prominently displayed these days by the "new atheists" 

Paul Griffiths, Warren Chair of Catholic Thought at Duke Divinity School, "Dennett's and Dawkins' arguments are given a full and fair showing, and their strengths acknowledged, which makes all the more impressive the fact that only tumbled fragments of their atheistic edifice remain by the time Marshall is done."

John Lennox, Oxford University mathematician, philosopher of science, "I am enjoying (it) immensely . . . I am sure it will be a great help with my own thinking on the subject."

The Truth About Jesus and the "Lost Gospels": A Reasoned Look at Thomas, Judas, and the Gnostic Gospels, 2007

Craig Blomberg: "Marshall's work introduces the real historical facts as effectively as any work in print today. Learned but very readable, wide­-ranging in coverage, and even tinged with self-­effacing humor, this book sets the record straight."

Jesus and the Religions of Man, 2000.

Frederica Matthewes-Green, of Christianity Today: "David Marshall takes cultural analysis several levels deeper, and in prose that is several levels higher, than we've come to expect. The result is not only enlightening but also a great deal of fun to read."

David Leshana, President Emeritus, Seattle Pacific University: "Very well done . . . This book should be read by all who . . . are preparing for ministry in an increasingly multicultural world."

Leslie Keylock, professor of Apologetics, Moody Bible Institute (retired): "Carefully reasoned and beautifully written by a man who has read widely . . . One of the finest books on world religions I have read in a long time."

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, "Learned, urbane, and refreshing."

True Son of Heaven: How Jesus Fulfills the Chinese Culture, by David Marshall, 1996.

Richard Sherburne, S. J., Marquette University scholar of Tibetan religion: "I read (the) entire book last night -- really found it hard to put down. A wonderful job of de-europeanizing Jesus."

James Hudson Taylor III, founder, China Evangelical Seminary: "An amazing piece of writing."

Don Richardson, author, Peace Child, Eternity in Their Hearts: "An exciting read!"

Tony Lambert, China researcher, "Showing deep, original thought, the author challenges the assumption that God and Christ are totally alien to the Chinese tradition, and writes a modern book on Christian apologetics in the process . . . Stimulating and provocative."

Wright Doyle, Global China Center, "It seems to me that Marshall has followed in the footsteps of C.S. Lewis, who told us that are desires are to weak, not too strong; and of Blaise Pascal, who urged Christians to show how lovely, how utterly delightful, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The True Son of Heaven presents us with effective contextualization of the Christian message without dilution of its essence . . . Marshall’s style, both poetic and colloquial, requires a translator of the very highest skill in both English and Chinese to render the beauty and subtleties of this fine work." 

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