Thursday, November 6, 2014

Four Kinds of People

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Four Kinds of People
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Jeff Lampl

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then,
and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 

Galatians 5:1 (NIV2011)

The following four profiles are adapted from Tim Keller’s study on Galatians.   Which profile most approximates you?   Which of the four persons described is truly free?    In what way do you most need the Gospel to set you free from (whatever form of) bondage, so that you are free for the life to which you have been called in Christ?  

1.    Know what’s right and rely on doing what’s right in God’s eyes.  

  Downsides:   On the outside are sure they are right with God
                        On the inside are insecure because it’s not possible to know
                        how good good-enough is.
                        Pride or discouragement
                        Debilitating to think that God is disappointed with you
                        Sensitive (touchy) to criticism
                        May be deeply upset when prayers are not answered  

2.    Know what’s right, rely on doing what’s right, but know they fail  

  Upsides         More humble than (above)
  More tolerant of others than “Pharisees” (above)”  

  Downsides:   Guilt ridden. I think I should measure up but I don’t
                        Moody because it’s an emotional roller coaster
                        Insecurity with God (“he love me, he loves me not”)  

3.    “Right” is relative, it’s not about Gods’ standards. I’m past that.  

   Traits           Little or no concept of God’s standards
                       Often intellectual and see things in relative terms
                       Have own standards and feel I am meeting them
                       Often happier than above two groups
                       Yet there is often an underlying self-righteousness.
                       A sense in which I am earning my own “salvation”
                       Often feel inwardly superior to religious people  

4.    I know what’s right and fail at it, but I don’t rely on my ability to do
  right.  I know the Gospel and it is relevant to my life.

  Upsides       They experience the freedom of the Gospel
                      They seek to obey God out of freedom and trust
                       More tolerant than #3
                       More sympathetic than #2
                       More confident than #1
                       Typically happy, generous and they care about


*For ongoing biblical encouragement follow Pastor Jeff on twitter @jefflampl

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