Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Another "I Like Giving" Story

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Another "I Like Giving" Story

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Jeff Lampl

Last Saturday I was at a Waffle House getting Melissa and I breakfast to go (Saturday is my breakfast indulgence with the All American!).  I noticed an elderly man sitting in a booth by the register all alone.  No wedding ring. He had a ball cap sitting on the table that I could tell was his “pride and joy”.  It was navy blue and read Korean Veteran and had other pins on it.  He had to be in his early to mid-80s.  I also noticed a young family next me – mom and dad in their 30s with 3 young children.  When their food order was ready, I watched the husband lean over the registered, whisper something in the waitress’s ear and then hand her a $100 bill.  She handed him his food and his change, and with that they left and got in their minivan.  A few minutes later the elderly man held up a $20 bill trying to get the waitress’s attention.  She walked over and said “Someone has already paid your bill.  You don’t owe anything for your breakfast.” Then I realized what had just happened.  The husband paid his bill.  I could see the elderly gentleman pause for a moment and process what she said.  Finally he replied, “Well that was mighty nice of them. I wish I could have thanked them.”  He got up, got in his car and headed off.  I thought to myself in a week of hate, violence and riots in Ferguson, MO, and a brutal, depraved beheading in Syria, it was inspiring to see a young couple who knew that “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Amen to that!   Tom Kerr


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