Thursday, April 7, 2016

Self Control

Self Control
By Megann Graf
Thursday, April 7, 2016

“Everyone must choose one of two pains:
The pain of discipline or the pain for regret.”  -Jim Rohn. 

Well, that doesn’t sound too pleasant, does it?

This past Sunday, Ben preached to us on self-control.  I love how he said how the things of the flesh come so naturally to us.  Even in little children, we see how sin exists in us.  “Little sinners” they are – and they can certainly live up to that.  “Big sinners” are what we are, and it’s not so cute.  What once was an act of immaturity and growing up, has now defined us into the adult we are.  If we don’t practice a discipline of changing our sinful nature, it can lead to a lot of regrets as life goes on.  Discipline stinks.  It really does.  And it stinks both ways, because sometimes it’s as hard to give as it is to receive.  But discipline is what shapes us into who we are, good or bad. 

Sometimes I marvel at the distrust I have towards God.  I hear people say to me, or I hear myself say to others “You’ve got this.”  It’s innocent enough.  It’s said with good intentions of being encouraging and uplifting, but here’s the thing… lately, I’ve been challenged into thinking what a lie that is.  I’ve felt compelled to stop saying that to anyone and everyone.  Because here’s the thing, the “I’ve/You’ve got this” mentality takes God out of the equation, and guess what, He’s the only solution to the equation.  God’s THE ONLY one.   I hate to tell all you control freaks out there (and by the way, I’m one of the biggest ones!) we “don’t got this.”  God’s got this.  If you think that’s an easy thing to change, it’s not.  It takes……….wait for it……..discipline.  Ugh, that dreaded word.  But, oh the risk of regret I have thinking, “I’ve got this” when I really don’t.  Oh the risk of regret I have when I depend on myself more than I depend on God.  Oh the risk of regret when I decide that some food or some drink or some person or some TV show will help me forget the stresses of life.  Or that I deserve it because I’ve had a rough day.  I’m not saying that you can’t indulge in anything, I’m just asking you (and me) a simple question.  Am I turning to God before I turn to those other things?  Because, when the answer is no, then I’m not choosing the Spirit over the flesh and I’m not going to bear much good fruit when I’m feeding on the junk the world is giving me.  This week, as you wrestle with self control, wrestle with giving up control.  Stop convincing yourself that YOU have to handle all of life’s stresses and start resting in the fact that God does have you.  He wants you to know that he cares about all of your needs and hurts.  He cares when you’re a sleep deprived mama.  He cares when you’re worried about the stability of your job.  He cares when your marriage is hurting.  He cares when your kids have gone astray.  He cares.  He loves you.  Don’t regret never knowing how much He loves you because the discipline of spending more time with Him seemed like too much.  It is too great a regret

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