Friday, April 15, 2016

Is Faith This? Or . . . . .?

Is Faith This?  Or . . . . .?

Friday, April 15, 2016
Jeff Lampl

Because I was after a girl in college . . . . . 
I agreed to go to her Campus Pastor to “get saved” so that . . . .

I would be acceptable to her.    She knew I was not a believer so she wanted God to fix me.  Of course I agreed because the payoff was her.

Into the campus ministry headquarters we went, where a cool, hip Christian student leader met us.   It was really uncomfortable, kind of like going to a doctor who was going to do something bad and permanent to me.

He explained that God loved me, had a plan for my life, that Christ died for my sin and that if I believed and prayed the right prayer I would be a Christian and could go to heaven when I die.   I prayed the prayer.

He then explained faith to me.  He said it is one thing to believe that I can jump over a chasm, but faith is actually jumping.  

But that made things confusing.   What if I believe but don’t always act on what I believe?  What if I don’t always jump when I’m supposed to?   Does that mean that my faith isn’t real and that God is mad at me and that I might not go to heaven?   And then there was the prayer dilemma.   What about all those times I pray for someone and the person gets worse?   Is it my fault because my faith is too weak?   Am I then actually a detriment to God and to others?

Now, decades later, I ask myself, what if faith is more like confidence in God than striving harder to serve Him?  What if faith is realizing that God has bridged the chasm between him and us?  What if faith is not my leaping, but His bridging?

What if faith is  not about trusting God to make my life better, rather it’s trusting God no matter how heavy the cross, no matter how poorly I succeed in being the person I should be?   What if faith is not my striving to make bigger leaps, but about his carrying me over life’s chasms?   Maybe that’s what Hebrews 6:19 means.

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure."
Hebrews 6:19 (NIV2011)

Follow on Twitter @jefflampl

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