Thursday, April 28, 2016


April 27, 2016
by Megann Graf

I’ve gotta be honest.  I know that this is a common saying, but I’m not a fan.  Mostly I’m not a fan because I’m a cynic, and it’s hard for me to see or say something like that and mean it sincerely.  But, I don’t think I’m alone here. 
When you use or hear this saying, aren’t you still ultimately trying to “annoy” someone else?  I mean, yes, we are supposed to be kind.  Yes, it’s important to be kind.  But, we are called to be sincerely kind.  Sometimes, I find myself just “acting” kind.  Now, I suppose the acting is still better than letting unkindness take over, but I’m fairly certain that it’s not what God intended when He was talking about us bearing good fruit.  Who wants to eat something that looks real but is actually fake?  (One time, I mistakenly thought that I was putting chunks of chicken on my salad, and it turns out it was tofu.  Trust me, tofu does NOT taste like chicken.  And faking my way through kindness is not bearing me any good, lasting fruit, and is definitely not a compliment to my Spirit.)

We all struggle with being kind.  Some struggle a lot and some a little.   Sometimes, it’s easier to just “act” kind, but it really can take on a whole new meaning, to us and to others, when we learn to sincerely be kind.  Sometimes that means we have to wrestle with the fact that it’s hard.  Sometimes, it feels like it’s killing US to be kind.  But, please, let’s not try and “kill” others with kindness.  That’s not the love they deserve. 

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other,
just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Be kind, not to annoy someone, or to “kill” them with kindness, but because God in Christ was kind enough to leave His rightful place in heaven and come to earth.  He came to forgive us by giving up His own life as a sacrificing atonement for our sins.  He didn’t kill us with kindness, but instead, He was killed for our transgressions.  It was not a fake act, it was the most sincere act of love and kindness for mankind in human history.  Let’s not “kill” anyone with kindness.  Let’s love someone with kindness, forgive them with kindness, heal them with kindness, encourage them with kindness, and show them Christ by our kindness. 

Follow on Twitter @jefflampl

1 comment:

  1. If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
    if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
    and the Lord will reward you. Proverbs 25:21-23

    So you see, even faking how you feel is at least a good place to start. I remember Pastor Jeff (or someone)telling a "parable" about a self-centered, cruel rich man who got whatever/whoever he wanted because he was rich. His self-centered, cruel ways gave him a horrible visage. One day he saw this beautiful woman with a kind spirit, who he desired. He realized that she would never be his if he showed his true colors so he paid for this undetectable mask to be made to mask his cruel visage, and he pretended to be kind, caring and generous to all people he encountered when in the presence of this woman. She was so impressed that she fell in love with him. He continued to wear the mask and to behave kind, caring and generous to all, because he was always with her. After years he had grown in his love for her so much that he realized it was not right to lead her on. So he said to her "You think of me as kind, caring and generous, but I love you too much to continue this charade. It's all a mask covering who I really am." And he removed his mask, to which she remarked, "Why would you wear a mask that looks exactly like you?"

    God bless,
    Bob R.
