Tuesday, December 23, 2014

This is What the Kingdom of God Looks Like

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This is what the Kingdom of God Looks Like
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Jeff Lampl

For Mellisa (Monica), Church Members and Deacons,
I would like to start off introducing myself to those who don't know me.  My name is Yuliana; I am 22 years old and a single mother of 4 precious children.  My life has not been easy for me at all.  Being a single mom is not an easy task, it is a full-time job.  I do not brag about it.  It's an amazing feeling as much as we all know. 
Even though I still have an open wound on me from my past I know that our God will heal it when it would be the right time for me.  Meanwhile I will still be praying and being strong for my kids and life continues.

About more than 1 year ago, the father of my children just walked away.  Ever since I am trying to call him so he can be a man and help financially as well as for my kids to see him - which for me it is important that my kids spend time with their father.  Unfortunately no luck.  Even though I didn't have luck, for us the world did not end.  I've worked very hard for my family to be able to provide for them.  As paying monthly rent on my own, which was $800. monthly before I moved into Whitehall.  As paying for babysitting, car insurance, food, bills, gas, etc.  I would work 11-12 hours 6 days a week in order for me to provide for them.  I know their hearts were broken and mine was too because we would barely see one another.  Juan, which is my oldest son of age 6, every single day would say, "Mom, why do you work all day?  You never see us."  Yes, that came from my 6 year old son.  As much as I was hurt to hear that my answer was, "Mommy has to work so hard to provide for all of you.  That does not mean I don't love you."   I continued to work until the babysitter was not happy with the shift hours.  Ever since I can remember my world and days were very dark with barely sleep.  I stared at my children and hugged each of them kissed them on the cheek and played with them and laughed.  I smiled and laughed pretending everything was totally fine.  At night time when they were asleep, it was my time to think, and cry in my room.  Take all my emotions out so that my children would not see me break down.  Everything around me was black, I wouldn't see a door open, everything was negative to me and the family.  I knew I couldn't provide my children with lots of toys, or toys that they really wanted because of my finances.  One thing that I could give them was unconditional love to them which is the most important! 
Being mom and dad isn't easy but I am trying to do the best that I can.  I called a variety of churches for help; everything was negative.  Until I called the CLC.  Melissa (Monica) returned my phone call.  That particular day I thought I didn't have any open doors.  Mellissa, thank you for calling me back.  You are an angel to the family.   Now I know that God heard my prayers.  Thank you, Mellissa for looking out for me with phone calls, texts.  Even with a simple text "how are you?" I feel blessed because I know that someone is looking out for me which I had not had that feeling in the longest time.  Thank you!!!!  It makes me feel that I am important.  Thank you for reminding me every time that I am a good mom and am doing a great job.  I needed to hear that at least once in a while. 
I would extremely like to thank each and every single one of you for all your support, your help, for welcoming my family into church.  You had all helped one way to another;  I have not words to say or to describe my emotions and feelings.  You all have a place in my heart.  I would never forget how much you all helped me.

My family is very thankful.  You have all put a smile on our faces.  I don't see that dark place that I once felt I was in.  That is all a big (huge) thanks to all of you.  Thank you for all the help from diapers, baby wipes, clothes, shoes, gift cards, food, paying rent, cell phone, vacuum.  I'm so grateful for you all!
Melissa and Dan (Monica's husband) thank you for always keeping an eye out for me and for all your help!!

Yuliana A.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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