I Don't Have Anything Left to Give
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
can go . . . and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here." 13 He
replied, "You give them something to eat." Luke 9:12-13
Frankly sometimes I just don’t feel like serving others.
The disciples didn’t feel like it all the time either. Who knows, maybe Jesus in
his humanity, didn’t always feel like it either.
the feeding of the five thousand narrative, the disciples were tired, but Jesus,
always the great coach, refused to let them
off the hook. So they did it.
They found some food, approached
Jesus, and as they served, Jesus multiplied their resources.
is exactly how it works. Jesus
replenishes depleted resources.
When I take action for God I gain
energy and discover resources I wasn’t aware of.
When I avoid serving God I lose energy
and never mine the resources available.
course this depends on heeding Jesus’ call, not the call of codependency, and
this requires discernment.
It also requires daily time with Jesus in prayer and bible reading and
weekly worship.
the call is consistent throughout scripture.
We are our brother’s Keeper.
“Lord, help me to say yes to you a whole
lot more than I say yes to myself. Amen”
We are experiencing a change in finances after Jan.1st so we have been "saving up". We have been hit this month with $2400.00 in extra expenses. Naturally, I want to "hoard". I was planning to save my turkey for the winter but the Lord kept saying "Give out of your need". So we are excited to be obedient and see where God will supply!!!!!Rhonda and John Molin