Thursday, October 23, 2014

Healing Service This Sunday

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Healing Service This Sunday

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Jeff Lampl

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.
  And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture."
Malachi 4:2 (NLT)

 “That evening after sunset, many sick and demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus. 33The whole town gathered at the door to watch. 34So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases .  . . "
Mark 1:32-34 (NLT)

Although Malachi used the word “sun” metaphorically for the day that the Lord renews all of creation, from our perspective we can look back and see that in Jesus’ death and resurrection, God brought the fullest healing possible to Jesus and now, through Jesus,  He offers the same to those who believe in him.

In the middle of this Sunday’s worship service we will offer a time of healing prayer for everyone who seeks physical, emotional or relational healing.   I want you to know about this in advance not just for yourself but also so that you can bring any friends, neighbors or relatives who would like to seek healing from the Lord.   Those who seek healing do not need to be Christians, actually they don’t need to be anything . . . they just need to come.    In the New Testament Jesus healed anyone who came to him.

Elders will be in the front of the sanctuary and while background music is playing you can bring those who seek healing forward, an elder will make the sign of the cross on their forehead and pray for them.   This is an ancient practice dating back to the time of Christ and though this is not magic, it is a means God has chosen to spread his healing to a hurting world.   Again, the ritual is not magical, however God, whose love and power is available to all, is often encountered in this very practice.

Do you have hurting friends or family who are open to God’s love and healing power?   I invite you to bring them.


For more:   follow on Twitter @jefflampl  

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