Is my life predestined or
is my life the result of my freely chosen decisions?
Monday, July 21, 2014

is my life the result of my freely chosen decisions?
Monday, July 21, 2014
Romans 8:29 (TEV)
God so loved (favorites?)
the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be
saved through him."
John 3:16-17 (ESV)
Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be
saved through him."
John 3:16-17 (ESV)
I addressed your questions regarding miracles and I also spent a lot of time
answering questions about how to read the Bible.
Do we read it literalistically, literally, literarily, metaphorically, or
You can find the message document and also an audio of the sermon at
also addressed the question above. Some interpreters think that Romans 8-11
makes the argument that
our lives are predestined, in particular that some of us are “picked”
by God for eternal life and some of us are picked by God for eternal damnation.
Presenting a pretty clear case for that God died for all, not just the
elect, are Jesus’s words in John 3:16-17.
How can both predestination and free will both be true?
The former perspective is often called Calvinism (although there is
debate whether Calvin actually believed this) and the latter is sometimes
referred to by the name of one of Calvin’s Students, Arminianism (James
I’m not too smart, I have decided that we are both predestined and have free
Both are true all at the same time.
In fact I think we’ll discover one day that they’re both the same
thing, just like a light wave is both a string of disconnected particles and
also a seamless wave.
Both “can’t be true”, but they are.
I look back at my life, I find that God directed and carried out the whole thing
in spite of my mess ups.
He planned it and did it.
When I meet God at death, were he to ask me how I got there, that’s the
easiest question in the world to answer.
I’ll just point to Jesus and say “it’s all him”.
When I look to my future I see nothing fated at all, I simply see a
future where I am commanded to trust and obey.
When I look at others I see people predestined by God for eternal life,
many of whom, however, are living lives that opt out of that for which they’ve
been chosen, and therefore need me to point them to Jesus.
you are so much BIGGER than our small minds make you out to be.
Forgive us for dividing and bickering over points of doctrine when your
heart as revealed in Jesus still breaks for the lost.
Help us, Lord, to see others as “picked by You” but for whatever
reason don’t know it yet.
May you use each of us to have a the experience of pointing another to
You, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
follow on Twitter @jefflampl
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