Creationism, Intelligent Design or Evolutionary
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Jeff Lampl

Creationism, Intelligent Design or Evolutionary
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Jeff Lampl
have found that great divisions exist among believers based on what they believe
about creation and evolution. Creationists
tend to believe that the earth is six to ten thousand years old and that Genesis
describes not only that God created
everything out of nothing, but that it also describes
how God did so. Intelligent
Design accepts the consensus of science that the universe began with a “big
bang” about 14 billion years ago, but that God intervened along the way with
special creation of new species and the special creation of human beings.
Evolutionary Creationists also accept the 14 billion year age of the
universe, however they believe that God, under His guidance and with His
interaction, used the natural processes of evolution to create all life,
including human beings.
I have noticed is that the debate around these perspectives often becomes angry
and sometimes even vitriolic. Here’s
my conclusion. Each
perspective (and all their variants) is arrived at by people who love God and
love the bible and believe the bible to be God’s inspired word.
On those things there is no disagreement.
As I mentioned on Sunday, if God inspired the author(s) of the first
chapters of Genesis to write a scientifically reliable record of how things
occurred then that’s how it should be read.
If God inspired the writer(s) to write a brilliantly
crafted story with superb word pictures and imagery which describe the truth of
what happened but not necessarily how, then that’s how it should be read.
One thing I know for certain is that there are scholars who are way more
brilliant than I am who can be found in each of these three camps (and
everywhere in between!)
personal conclusion? I am really, really, really happy when I see Christians
listening attentively and respectfully with openness to other perspectives to on
how to read the bible when those readings are faithful to the essentials of the
Big Story that the Bible tells.
highly recommend the following seven minute video which will help you see how
Genesis can be faithfully read. It’s
a wonderful presentation of how Genesis describes creation in a way that covers
all the bases of what science has discovered in recent years.
the link
follow on Twitter @jefflampl
The evolutionary story told by the young lady in pink may sound logical but when I think of humpback whales and hummingbirds, giraffes and goldfish, not to mention the extreme complexities of humans (structure of brain, nerves, eyes, how blood clots, the reproductive system, etc), it just seems impossible that such creatures could all have evolved from just a few dissimilar molecules. And if so, why is it that only 1 of the millions of creatures could relate to God? Can't we just say "God did it" and move on to loving Him and each other without having to think about how He did it?
ReplyDeleteIf you have the time check out the links below. They will give you a better understanding to the the video linked in this posting. We must remember that Jesus didn't just come to give us life but that we would also know who he was because men always had the wrong idea. The bible is the only way we can know God and to understand the world around us. I highly recommend you study evolution. I believe it is just another religion, why because men love there sin.They love the praise of men then the praise of God. There is so much more that could be said on this subject, pray then seek and you shall find!!!
ReplyDeleteWe must be prepared to give an answer to what we believe. We do not need to go outside of god to get an answer, What is truth? Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!
Recommend reading: