Today’s Word
The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.
With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
“Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are”. Matthew 6:7-9 (MSG)
Today’s Reflection
Today’s scripture version is a paraphrase called the Message. In a paraphrase the translator is afforded the freedom to render the scripture into today’s idiom and cultural context. In other words in a good paraphrase (and the Message is a very, very good one) we can often more easily grasp what the Bible is saying. In fact from that perspective there is a sense in which a paraphrase is more ‘accurate’ than a word for word translation in communicating the truth of what the passage is saying.
Notice then how The Message renders the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer. Instead of “hallowed be Thy Name”, we pray “Reveal who You are”.
Now I get it. When I go to work, the unemployment line, mom’s play group, the YMCA, out to dinner, or home, my job first and foremost is to “reveal who you (God in Jesus Christ) are”.
I was asked recently to write down 5 things that I am (man, husband, etc). It occurred to me the most important of them is “Christian”. I am first and foremost a Christian, one who’s task it is to reveal Jesus.
How did it go for you today? Take a moment to review your day. Did your thoughts, words, actions, attitude, reveal Jesus or conceal Jesus? If the former, you were blessed and were a blessing. If the latter, a little face time in the mirror is never a bad thing. Confess it, repent of it and do tomorrow better.
“Our Father in Heaven, reveal who you are. Reveal yourself to me. Reveal yourself through me. And when necessary reveal yourself in spite of me. I love you Father. Amen”
Because God does answer prayers, the thought alone to pray "Father, reveal who you are, reveal yourself" made my heart pound with expectation. This paraphrase will surely become a part of my prayer life.
ReplyDelete"Reveal who you are" .... Hallowed: holy, set apart, none other-this description given to us as "Our Father" demonstrates God's revelation has been of His choosing and is there for us as we seek Him.
ReplyDeleteI once heard the Lord's Prayer presented just as Jeff commented above, as a formula to pray, an order of our asking that will supposedly produce better results. How offensive this must be to God. Its really nothing more than manipulation when you think of it. And so frustrating yet, as we discover what Jesus was really trying to tell us revealed in verse 13.
For this reason, personally, I struggle with corporate prayer. The presence of others can cause me to be less focused on God. I'm thinking more of grammer and clarity than letting the Spirit "groan" the words for me Romans 8:26
My heart is to move beyond this and the Lord has been helping me this way.
What it boils down to is HOPE. Revelation will always bring hope.