Today's Word
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10
“Jesus said, 'I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.' " Luke 4:43
How do I "enter" the Kingdom of God?
Hebrew, a dialect of which Jesus spoke, contains a common feature of expression called parallelism. This means saying things twice, first in one way and then another. Almost any verse in Psalms will show parallelism in action. It’s a form of poetry, a memory tool. Understanding this teaches something about verse 10 of the Lord’s Prayer:
Thy Kingdom come—Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”
The second part of the verse explains, and amplifies, and defines the first. . . . a perfect definition of the Kingdom of God, The Kingdom of God is a society, upon earth where Gods will is as perfectly done as it is in heaven,
To be in the Kingdom is to obey the will of God. The Kingdom is not something which primarily has to do with nations and peoples and countries. It is something which has to do with each one of us. The Kingdom is in fact the most personal thing in the world. The Kingdom demands the submission of my will, my heart, my life. It is only when each one of us makes his personal decision and submits that the Kingdom comes.
Pray this prayer when you wake up tomorrow morning and in doing so tell God that you will live this day totally sold out to his will.
Today's Prayer
“Lord, as the Chinese Christians often prayed, 'Lord, revive thy Church, beginning with me,' so I pray 'Lord, bring in thy Kingdom, beginning with me. Give me the courage to submit my will entirely to yours.' Amen”
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