Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kipling Poem

Kipling Poem

Jeff Lampl
March 30, 2016

In my opinion Rudyard Kipling nailed . . . .

the meaning of Easter is his short poem, When earth’s Last Picture is Painted.  Here it is for you to read and then I’ll comment on why I think he gets Easter so right.  

When Earth's last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried,
When the oldest colours have faded, and the youngest critic has died,
We shall rest, and faith, we shall need it - lie down for an aeon or two,
Till the Master of All Good Workmen Shall put us to work anew.

And those that were good shall be happy: they shall sit in a golden chair;
They shall splash at a ten-league canvas with brushes of comet's hair.
They shall find real saints to draw from - Magdalene, Peter, and Paul;
They shall work for an age at a sitting and never be tired at all!

And only the Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame;
And no one will work for the money, and no one will work for the fame,
But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They are!

First, “lie down for an aeon or two” reflects the Bible’s teaching that when believers die, they go to paradise/heaven/God’s space/the presence of God for a time of rest.

Second,”shall put us to work anew” reflects the almost incomprehensible thought that you and I will still have work to do in the next life.  And that work will be creative.  It will be like an artist at work on a painting, never bored, always finding the source of his inspiration from God and from the eternal vision that sustained the saints.   I’m no artist, but I feel certain that each of us according our particular giftedness will work in a way that is exhilarating, creative, joyful, energizing and at doing something that matters

Third, that “inconsolable secret” in each of us, that unspoken desire to be noticed, to be noticed by God (isn’t being noticed by dad or mom the signature desire of every child?) will be met.   God will be our father lavishing his praise and love on us as we do what each of us was created to do.  Not only that, there’s no competition, comparison or boasting!   That will be real cool!

Fourth, “things as they are”.  I love that.   Right now we see dimly as in a mirror.  But one day we will see clearly.  Right now we live in the shadowlands, but one day we’ll live in the full light.   No more distortions, only reality.  

Finally, I don’t think the poem is complete.   The “aeons” in heaven with God are temporary.   One day, one great day, Jesus will return to earth, bringing heaven with him, and the great merger of heaven and earth (no anti-trust laws can stop this!), the greatest wedding the world has ever seen, will take place and then the scenes that were on “canvas” in heaven, will be translated into God inspired actions on the new earth.

What do you think?

Follow on Twitter @jefflampl

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