Friday, August 15, 2014
Jeff Lampl

Jeff Lampl
Beginning September 7 . . . .
will begin a new series of Messages
which are designed to help each of make progress in living out the Gospel of
you ever found yourself living
by guilt or “I should’ so that your life is one big “have to” but the
“have to’s” never get done? Which
leaves you in the bondage of guilt and exhaustion?
Have you ever sought achievement and success only to discover
that high levels of either are not enough? You
get to the top and find that the top isn’t the great thing you thought it
would be? Do you find your
self-worth inextricably bound up in your performance and when your performance
sags so does your confidence? Have
you ever feared failing or simply not being good enough?
is something more available
to every one of us and that something more is Grace.
Grace is much, much more than God’s acceptance and forgiveness. It is a
power, a force. It is a power
that motivates, that frees, that creates and which grows us into new persons
from the inside out. It is the
power of God available to all who allow themselves to be gripped by it.
It is God Himself making himself available to you.
series will begin on September 7
and it will consist of a thorough teaching of the apostle Paul’s letter the
churches that he started in Galatia (modern day Turkey).
encourage each of you to consider participating in a small group study
that will enhance your understanding of, and your ability to live out Grace.
In the coming weeks we will make you aware of groups that you can join.
For now, however, I suggest that many of you consider facilitating a
group yourself! Just ask
a few friends to meet with you weekly or bi weekly or twice a month and work
your way through any of the following three studies below, or another one that
you may be aware of. Each one is
great. If I or we can
help you begin a group just email Mark at
or me at
and we’ll help you get started! Here
are my three suggestions for your group study.
1. One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian, a grandson of Billy Graham. He’s a great
communicator and teaches Grace in very practical terms. Check out this
video study here
1. One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian, a grandson of Billy Graham. He’s a great
communicator and teaches Grace in very practical terms. Check out this
video study here
by John Ortberg, one of the best bible teachers in America.
teaching on spiritual growth is practical and profound. You can check out this
video study here and here
teaching on spiritual growth is practical and profound. You can check out this
video study here and here
Living in line with the Gospel of Grace
by Tim Keller who might
right now be the most profound and practical teacher of God’s Grace in America.
I will be organizing my messages pretty much in the same way that Keller
organizes this study. Check out this great Bible study here
right now be the most profound and practical teacher of God’s Grace in America.
I will be organizing my messages pretty much in the same way that Keller
organizes this study. Check out this great Bible study here
follow on Twitter @jefflampl
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