Pope Francis' Favorite Painting
Friday, April 18, 2014

White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall
Friday, April 18, 2014
White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall
recently read that his painting by Jewish artist Marc Chagall is Pope Francis’
favorite. Chagall was inspired
to paint this after Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) in 1938 Nazi Germany,
that infamous night when evil and hatred, institutionalized in Nazi Germany’s
leaders, played itself out in destroying Jewish businesses.
On the left you see the communists burning a village.
On the right you see Nazi’s burning a synagogue.
In the foreground is a man fleeing with a placard on which is written
“ich bin Jude” (I am a Jew). Covering
Jesus is a prayer shawl. There
is much more that cannot be seen in this picture, but I think it’s worth
taking a moment to contemplate what today, GOOD FRIDAY, commemorates.
It is the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, the final day of God personally
experiencing the worst of what it means to be human.
before he dies and while still on the cross, Jesus speaks these words,
“Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
though Chagall’s faith was Judaism, he wrote that the purpose of White
Crucifixion was for it to serve as an invitation for viewers to reflect on the
meaning of the cross. I
encourage you to take a few moments to do exactly that.
Perhaps each of us can find ourselves somewhere in Chagall’s painting.
“Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you for your victory over all evil
and over the evil one on the cross. You
exhausted his power and trumped the worst that he can do to us.
You have done so by taking onto yourself the worst that evil can deliver
and trump it by rising from the dead. The worst that can happen is never, never,
never the last thing that will happen. Thank
you Lord, that in Jesus, the worst that can happen is always, always, always
followed by resurrection, renewal and restoration.
Today would be the perfect day to re-read Isaiah 53.
Perhaps Chagall made the connection.
For more:
follow on Twitter @jefflampl
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