Kind of Body Will I Have?
Reflections on 1 Corinthians 15
Reflections on 1 Corinthians 15
April 30, 2014

skeptic is sure to ask, 'Show me how resurrection works. Give me a diagram; draw
me a picture. What does this 'resurrection body' look like?' If you look
at this question closely, you realize how absurd it is. There are no
diagrams for this kind of thing. We do have a parallel experience in
gardening. You plant a "dead" seed; soon there is a flourishing plant.
There is no visual likeness between seed and plant. You could never guess
what a tomato would look like by looking at a tomato seed. What we plant in the
soil and what grows out of it don't look anything alike. The dead body that we
bury in the ground and the resurrection body that comes from it will be
dramatically different.
will notice that the variety of bodies is stunning. Just as there are
different kinds of seeds, there are different kinds of bodies—humans, animals,
birds, fish—each unprecedented in its form. You get a hint at the
diversity of resurrection glory by looking at the diversity of bodies not only
on earth but in the skies— sun,
moon, stars—all these varieties of beauty and brightness. And we're only looking at pre-resurrection "seeds"—who can imagine what the resurrection "plants" will be like!
moon, stars—all these varieties of beauty and brightness. And we're only looking at pre-resurrection "seeds"—who can imagine what the resurrection "plants" will be like!
image of planting a dead seed and raising a live plant is a mere sketch at best,
but perhaps it will help in approaching the mystery of the resurrection
body—but only if you keep in mind that when we're raised, we're raised for good,
alive forever! The corpse that's planted is no beauty, but when it's
raised, it's glorious. Put in the ground weak, it comes up powerful. The
seed sown is natural; the seed grown is supernatural—same seed, same body, but
what a difference from when it goes down in physical mortality to when it is
raised up in spiritual immortality!
follow this sequence in Scripture: The First Adam received life, the Last Adam
is a life-giving Spirit. Physical life comes first, then spiritual—
a firm base shaped from the earth, a final completion coming out of
heaven. The First Man was made out of earth, and people since then are
earthy; the Second Man was made out of heaven, and people now can be heavenly.
In the same way that we've worked from our earthy origins, let's
embrace our heavenly ends”
1 Corinthians 15:35-49 (MSG)
. . . . . . . . I will experience
life after life after death.
First comes heaven. Later I
am clothed with a new amazing resurrected body.
Same me, but with a new/renewed body.
To me this is really big. I
will live a real, physical, material, embodied life on a real physical,
material, earth. I will not be
floating around somewhere in some disembodied state.
. . . . . . . . . .if I’m the seed, then there’s continuity between the current me and the future me. This means that I need to get the current me as right as I can get it so that what’s planted has the stuff needed to birth a really good renewed me. A poor seed produces a poor plant.
. . . . . . . . . .If my destiny is a resurrected life on a new earth, then I need to live today with the goal in mind. This life receives its “Juice” when we know what we’re living for.
. . . . . . . . . .if I’m the seed, then there’s continuity between the current me and the future me. This means that I need to get the current me as right as I can get it so that what’s planted has the stuff needed to birth a really good renewed me. A poor seed produces a poor plant.
. . . . . . . . . .If my destiny is a resurrected life on a new earth, then I need to live today with the goal in mind. This life receives its “Juice” when we know what we’re living for.
did this passage teach you? (Read the entire Chapter
“Lord, the picture I get is that I will live some form of the life I live now only exponentially enhanced. But it’s a life freed from the bondage of self-absorption, defensiveness, hurt, anger, selfishness, greed, and every other life depleting bondage. Freedom to be all yours! Incredible! Amen”
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