Be Perfect?
Friday, March 21, 2014

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:48 (NIV)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:48 (NIV)
said it, so let’s deal with it.
New Testament was written in Greek, which translates the words of Jesus which
were spoken in Aramaic, a ‘street language’ form of Hebrew spoken by the
average Jew. The
Greek word, teleios means something like, “mature, adult, completed,
perfect”. Jesus
probably used the Aramaic word (salem or tamim) which meant “whole,
unblemished”. So
far so good, but it probably doesn’t help much.
What is Jesus telling us?
every 100 interpreters there are 100 explanations.
I find it interesting that Luke’s parallel rendering of this sentence
is “be merciful as your Father in Heaven is merciful”.
Maybe that plus the word “as” in
both Mathew and Luke give us the clue to what Jesus is saying.
Beginning in verse 43 Jesus had told us “love
your enemies”, “pray for those who persecute you”, “the sun rises on the
good and evil alike”
Could it be that “perfect” means that we are to seek to love everyone
as God loves everyone, no one excluded? Of one thing I am sure.
Jesus is not telling us to be sinless.
Jesus doesn’t make new laws, he
came to complete the meaning and intent of the law and to forgive our failure to
achieve it.
hope you take a moment to watch this video again, and again, and again.
Watch it until you “get” the shocking, extravagant, scandalous,
promiscuous, undeserving love and grace that God offers to everyone, no one
excluded. Even
I am included in the Love of God.
You too. When
we “get” that, we then understand what kind of person Jesus is urging us to
For more:
follow on Twitter @jefflampl
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