The Great Paradox
“This is why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10
When God Shouts
"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” CS Lewis The Problem of Pain
My life bears witness to today's scripture. The times I have encountered the deepest pain are the times I have encountered God's presence most profoundly. God's "shout" to us both wake us up and drive us back to square one, back to what matters most. It's unfortunate that without these "shouts" of pain that I drift and fall into complacency. But I do.
Pain is a gift of God's tough Grace, a Grace of severe and intense love which refuses to let us drift away.
“Lord, thank you for loving me with a love that hurts, heals an restores. Forgive me for desiring less than what you want to give me. Amen."
I could not recommend the following Book more highly!!

"Although Henri Mattisse was nearly 28 years younger than Auguste Renoir, the two great artists were dear friends and frequent companions. When Renoir was confined to his home during the last decade of his life, Matisse visited him daily. Renoir, almost paralyzed by arthritis, coninued to paint in spite of his infirmities. One day as Matisse watched the elder painter working in his studio, fighting tortuous pain with each brush stroke, he blurted out: "Auguste, why do you continue to paint when you are in such agony?"
ReplyDeleteRenoir answered simply, "The beauty remains, the pain passes"
(one of Renoir's most famous paintings, The Bathers, was completed just two years before his passing, 14 years after he was stricken by this debilitating disease)
thank you Lynda, it is great to hear from people who have a painful problem to contend with day end and day out! it makes it real for us that do. i am learning to keep my eyes focused on the prize so to speak.... God.... there is a purpose behind what i am going thru, and i know this... but it is not always easy to deal with day end and day out... i am focusing on God which does make it a little easier. for i do know, this is not in vain, but for a purpose, Gods purpose. thank you
ReplyDeleteYou are in my prayers, for strength and ability to find the 'beauty' despite the pain.
ReplyDelete"Father, please show your presence to this person, a child you created and a child you love so much. Father, I ask that you provide for them that which they need to withstand what they have been called to. Lord, we don't understand the why of pain, indeed, is that not the lesson you showed us in Job? But, Father, you also show us that though we may have pain, in all its shapes and sizes that we also have you and with you we can deal with the pain. Give us courage, Lord, to persevere, to master where able, and to be forever grateful for that which you have given us. Open our eyes to the beauty, Lord, and close them to the pain. Thank you, Jesus. We praise your name." Amen