"We know that we all posses knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows somethings does not yet know as he ought to know." 1 Corinthians 8:1-2 (NIV)
Are you teachable? Can you learn from others? While you are listening are you really listening or are you thinking about how to interject your (more impressive) thoughts?
How does it feel to be around who acts and speaks with an air spirtual or moral superiority?
Have you ever experiences "spiritual arrogance" in another? what's the difference between that and Spiritual authority? (hint: it's the opposite of arrogance).
An explanation of the issue addressed in these three chapters will come tomorrow.
"Lord, give me the courage to subordinate my ("know-it-all-ness") in the presence of others. Lead me in the path of humility. Amen."
Scroll down to read what others are saying about how they exercise the "mind of Christ" in order to live the Spirit Led life.
YouVersion Results from Sundays, June 10 & 17, 2012:
Poll: I sense the leading of the Holy Spirit. . . .

Poll: How do you know you are being led by the Holy Spirit?

What do you do to put yourself in position to "hear"/receive the leading of the Holy Spirit?
I seek a quiet place to listen, question Trust
I keep myself aware throughout the day of His presence in my life, no matter what I am doing. I don't put the Holy Spirit in a box for specific times such as prayer time, devotions or church. I keep my "radar" out there working to "hear" Him while I am at work, driving, having a conversation with a friend or facing an unexpected problem in my life. This awareness of His promptings in my life did not just happen automatically. It developed over time by building a relationship with Him and asking Him to be that constant presence. It has been said the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He will not force Himself into our lives. He waits for us to invite Him in. Once we do, our lives will not be the same. A Spirit filled life is so much better and easier to live than one devoid of His presence! We chose to make Him a part of our everyday life
Continue to pray for the Holy spirits guidance.
Quiet time w/ prayer!
Pray, pray, pray, for God's supernatural power to supercede mine very limited power.
I worship
Realistically speaking, there is absolutely nothing I can "do" that invokes "hearing or being led by" God's Spirit. I "hear" the Holy Spirit when God wants me to, for His own good reasons. My job is to obey, but only when I am certain that the "word" is from God. There are clues: (1) never goes against Scripture; (2) advances God's Kingdom in some (usually small) way; (3) is rarely for my personal gain; and, (4) is generally a "thought" that is "higher" than I normally can think, that is, it is an "extra-ordinary thought". Sometimes I think we assume too much pressure onto ourselves by seeking to "hear" God so that we know what to do, to know His will. He has told us already His will to believe in Christ (Jn 6:29), to lead a quiet life (1 Thess 4:11), "hidden in Christ" (dead to sin), thinking on the true, noble, just, pure, lovely and virturous . . . and striving for love, joy, peace, patience etc.
Pray continually as i go about my day
I read verses, devotions, listen to sermons online, talk with Spirit-filled believers, and generally try to have a positive outlook - trying to discern the Upper Story beyond my small circumstances.
I try to spend time talking to God but more importantly, trying to take the time to listen for God speaking to me!
When I allow myself to need the Holy Spirit (I do all the time but unfortunately I don't consiously acknowledge that) I step aside from what I want and continue to pray and allow him to work in me and the situation
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