You Have the Mind of ChristRead “But we have the mind of Christ."
1 Corinthians 2:16 “Isaiah's question, 'Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?' has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ's Spirit."
I Corinthians 2:16Reflect Just as Paul had begun “churches” (more like home groups of new believers) in Galatia (a region of Turkey), and Thessalonica (a region of Macedonia where our very own Suzanne Burton will be presenting an academic paper this month!) and then had written them letters, Paul also started a church in Corinth (southern Greece) and wrote back to them as well. Actually he wrote them three letters which have been condensed into two (they had a lot problems he had to address!!!).
The first problem he addressed was factions. (have you ever experienced division in your home, workplace or community???). Some followed the teaching of Apollos, others Paul, and others Peter.
Paul writes and tells them that they have the actually mind of Christ within them. Don’t follow one teacher over another.
Do listen to others. But do learn how to follow Jesus exercising the “Mind of Christ” within you. First and foremost this means getting to know what the Bible actually says.
Scroll down to read what others are saying about how they exercise the "mind of Christ" in order to live the Spirit Led life.
YouVersion Results from Sunday June 10, 2010 Poll: I sense the leading of the Holy Spirit . . . .
Poll: How do you know you are being led by the Holy Spirit?
What do you do to put yourself in position to "hear"/receive the leading of the Holy Spirit?I seek a quiet place to listen, question, Trust
I keep myself aware throughout the day of His presence in my life, no matter what I am doing. I don't put the Holy Spirit in a box for specific times such as prayer time, devotions or church. I keep my "radar" out there working to "hear" Him while I am at work, driving, having a conversation with a friend or facing an unexpected problem in my life. This awareness of His promptings in my life did not just happen automatically. It developed over time by building a relationship with Him and asking Him to be that constant presence. It has been said the Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He will not force Himself into our lives. He waits for us to invite Him in. Once we do, our lives will not be the same. A Spirit filled life is so much better and easier to live than one devoid of His presence! We chose to make Him a part of our everyday life.
Continue to pray for the Holy spirits guidance.
Quiet time w/ prayer!
pray, pray, pray, for God's supernatural power to supercede mine very limited power.
YouVersion Results from the Week of June 4, 2010 Is your life one of doing things for God or entering into what God is doing for you?
Do you live by trying to please God or by entering into what God is doing for you?Grace is great.
An interesting question that seems to have two diametrically opposed perspectives. The first is: do I try to please God to gain my salvation. To this my answer is "No" which is bolstered by Mark 10:27. The second perspective is: do I try to please God because of my gratitude for what he has given me and to share his good news. The answer here is "yes" and this trying to please God is borne of grace. Does this make sense and is it right in God's sight?
Both. The Bible says blessed is the righteous though. Also says blessed is he who obeys God. Whatever happened to being obedient, serving him, making him your priority, living by his words? What are we supposed to do then. ...sit around and just enjoy God's presence and not do anything for God? What does "not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom but the one who does God's will? "Isn't faith without actions dead??
A little bit of both. I want to be pleasing and honorable to God and at the same time bask in the gift of grace to fully acknowledge the debt that has been paid.
I am learning to live in amazement and gratitude for what God is doing for me.
I try but constantly fail!
At times.... Both!
A little bit of both, sometimes I'm trying to please him, sometimes I'm focusing on what he does for me. I have embraced that I am doing God's will by doing what I am talented at, I'm just trying to follow my true calling.
Try to follow what God is doing for me. I try to make sure I can hear him when he is trying to guide me in my life decisions.
I do live by trying to please God and I "please" Him by "following His commandments". The reason I try to please Him is that I 110% "cling to what He has done for me" and out of gratitude, I desire to please Him. I am also aware there will be a "judgment" of sorts one day and I don't want to "be ashamed". I am also aware that when I am presented to the Lamb as His bride at the marriage supper, my dress will be fine linen (my "good deeds") and I don't want to be in only my underwear!
I do neither. I know God loves me, because I wake each morning. I know he has blessed me with favor, but I don't do anything to please him. To attempt to please him is not in my mind. Instead I feel so unworthy that I even find it difficult to pray.
I try to live my life in a way that pleases God and makes him proud. But this doesn't mean that I feel guilty when I sin or make bad choices.
I'm slowly learning to join God in what He is doing.
For most of my life I've been trying to please God and everyone else. I have been on a quest this past year to find the truth and be set free. I think I'm gaining some understanding but still a work in progress.
I don't know that I ever thought of "entering into what God is doing". The concept seems a little deep. I might not understand it as asked.
God's Grace
Entering into...I try!
I trust God's promises and grace. I may not always feel like I am joining him in what he is doing for me in my human weakness. However, I do not believe that changes his plan and he continues to work for my good. That is God's grace.
Is there a time when you have experienced the freedom of simply embracing what God is doing for you instead of holding onto what you can do for God? I don't think it was trying to do something for God but I know it was instead of trying to do something for myself.
Yes usually when I have nothing left to give. I need to remember as Paul writes that when I am weak...I am strong.
Yes, now, after living thru divorce and recent unemployment... I live more and more in trust of God and what comes into my life...
I do know that his time is not mine and there is a time and place for everything. My current situation makes me believe that God has his hand in my life.
The pure joy of knowing that God has placed me right where he wants me and that its ALL GOOD no matter how things work out... gives me a peace unlike anything I've ever known "WABI SABI"
At times, I have had small glimpses but they are short lived and overcrowded with pride and or guilt.
I am oftentimes overwhelmed by the emotions of just remembering where I came from and what God has brought me through and to. I have learned the "attitude of gratitude " and its blessing. I guess the only time I feel bound by works is when it comes to tithing and church attendance .... if you call conviction to fulfill obligations "works"; again, I may not grasp this questioning. Maybe it would make it easier to grasp with an example?
Yes by trusting that He is doing more than I can ask or imagine for my children and grandchildren.
Yes. Kind of selfish of me. Sometimes I need a wake up call