Reading for Sunday, September 25 - THE STORY, Chapter 1 (Genesis Chapters 1-4, 6-9)
The Big Story
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
Consummation and New Beginning
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. . . .behold, I am making everything new!" Revelation 21:1,5
My Story
Genesis 1:1 tells of God's creation of all things. Revelation 21:1-5 tells of the restoration of all things. A beginning, but not an end, rather a consummation, one in which a new beginning is promised . . . like the beginning of new and never ending book in which each chapter is better than the last. That's how it all ends/begins!
God is the author of this Big Story and God has written you into it! You have a role and a script. Yes, you!
Because there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that God does not use to redeem the world, you, too, will be used by God. God will use you if you consent to being used. God will use you if you refuse to be used.
The question is this. Will you consent to play the role you've been given and enjoy it's blessings? Or will you rebel and miss them?
"Lord, I choose to believe that you are the Author of a Grand Story. I also choose to believe that you have placed me in it. Please forgive me for living as if I'm the author and You are there to serve me. This day I repent and ask You to guide me through this grand adventure through Your Word, Amen"
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